Page 97 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 97
The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 99
Briefly about myself before meeting benefits, adult children, a house built, trees planted, and I
with the Life is Good. am only 45 years old! And an unexpected phone call with
I was born and grew up in the south of Kazakhstan, an invitation to listen to the information that Roman was
my parents met there on the Virgin Lands Campaign. creating his company related to the possibility of acquiring
My mother is a native of Leningrad, a child survived the housing. I did not go, but flew to this meeting! Finally,
blockade of Leningrad. At the age of 14 she went to work Roman was creating his company for us! He enthusiastically
at the Mint, which is still located on the territory of the Peter shared his ideas and perspectives; listening to him, I saw
and Paul Fortress. In the mid-50s, the advanced youth of a clear picture of the fact that it would be a wonderful,
the Soviet Union went to the great construction sites of sought-after business with unlimited possibilities. Without
our vast country. My mother was also sent on a Komsomol thinking, I made a firm decision to support Roman, his idea
voucher to develop virgin lands in Kazakhstan. My father at of creating his own business.
that time served in the Soviet army, carrying grain grown
on the fields of virgin soil. There, among wide open spaces, How did you achieve your first success? What
my parents met; having moved to the south of Kazakhstan, were your first steps?
they remained to live there. I have a big happy family, and I really wanted the company to start its activities
it so happened that all the children after school were tied more quickly and the opportunity to purchase housing
up with the army, the brothers put on their shoulder straps, was available to absolutely everyone. I was supported
my sister and I married the military. by my family and friends. The first 12 people that
Education and training. I entered the high school entered the housing cooperative were my relatives. The
in my beloved Leningrad, received the profession of first shareholder in the housing cooperative was my
cartographer. Then, already being liable for military sister Elena, she had already settled with the housing
service, I graduated from the law institute in absentia, cooperative and registered the apartment for herself. I
realizing that knowledge of jurisprudence would be am very grateful to my relatives, they supported me, they
very useful to me after service. During the service I had believed me, just as I believed Roman Viktorovich - the
a special business trip, I have a certificate “A veteran of President of our Life is Good holding.
military operations.” People often ask me why
Marital status: I married MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS I am so sure of the reliability
a young lieutenant, a For the dedication to the company and for of our housing cooperative
military pilot, we grew up participating in its creation, I have a medal The Best Way and the Life is
together in a small town in from the President of our company. So my Good holding. I confidently
southern Kazakhstan. After legal knowledge came in handy when our The answer: «And what could
he graduated from the Best Way housing cooperative was created. be better than having your
military school, we served The President of our the Life is Good company own roof over your head
7 years in Transbaikal, and greatly appreciates his employees for their and financial stability?»
our son and daughter were support and cooperation, and the awards that This is the opportunity we
born there. I took refresher are awarded for the work done, proof of that. offer our citizens. To have
courses for military air My employees and I have the award “Best a home and a wealthy old
traffic controllers, my Employees of 2015 and 2016”, nominal watches age now, when housing
diploma of cartographer with one and twelve diamonds, silver badges and pension issues are not
was useful to me. I was with the company logo and unforgettable being resolved, for so many
given the title, and I tied travels to exotic countries. of our citizens it remains a
my life to the airfield pipe dream. Carrying out of
service in the Russian Air such dreams has become
Force. In the early 90s, we returned to our beloved Peter, my work, my favorite and necessary work!
and our new duty station was an air regiment in a small The housing cooperative operates under the Russian
town in Leningrad Region. legislation, and this is a reliable guarantee for all shareholders.
Advertising and promotion of the housing cooperative is
What brought you to the Life is Good? provided by employees of the Life is Good holding, they
It was in this small town that my first acquaintance are also shareholders of the housing cooperative. This kind
with Roman Vasilenko happened – and very useful! I first of cooperation has ensured the rapid development of our
learned how to form another pension for myself. A new housing cooperative and holding as a whole.
world has opened for me with incredible possibilities. I am pleased with how many people have radically
Even then, I understood that it was necessary to create changed their lives, they have the opportunity to realize
family capital, to save the money I earned for my future their dreams – to have their own home, secured old age
and the future of my children. The military officers are and good work with a good salary.
retiring early, and they need to create a financial «airbag». I am grateful to the fate that everything in my life
The knowledge in the field of finance and investments, happened this way: a good family, an understanding and
which I received from my teacher Roman Vasilenko, loving husband, wonderful and grateful children, wonderful
determined the scope of my activities after serving in the grandchildren and a favorite job for the best company that
Russian Air Force. The golden time has come - a pension, has become my way of life. Thank you for all! Life is Good!