Page 48 - election 2018 sg currection pdf
P. 48

Presented by Greenworld skg

                  Ú                         h¡¢am  hÉ¡mV

              Q¡l  dl-el
              h¡¢am  B-R
                   1.      -i¡V  ¢h¢d  m¢´Oa  h¡¢am
                   2.      -gla  h¡¢am
                   3.      œ¥¢Vf¤ZÑ  h¡¢am
                   4.      eø  h¡¢am
                   5.      .Cancelled : Refused to Sign
                            1)      -i¡V  ¢h¢d  m¢´Oa  h¡¢am  - (Handbook for PrO, pg- 41,Para-2.1)

                  L¡e  -i¡V¡l  -i¡-Vl  -N¡fe£ua¡  hS¡u  e¡  -l-M  -i¡V  -ch¡l  -Qø¡  Ll-m  hÉ¡mV -ff¡l-Hl
           f­œ  J  fË¢af­œ  h¡¢am  ­i¡V  ¢h¢d  m¢´Oa  (Cancelled  -Voting Procedure  Violated)  HC  Lb¡  ¢m-M
           Presiding  Officer  pC  L-l h¡¢am  Ll-a  q-hz  Form-18  -a  ¢qp¡h  l¡M-a  q-hz  HC  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l
           HLV¡  ¢e¢cÑø  M¡-j  l¡M-2)
                          2)  œ¥¢Vf¤ZÑ  h¡¢am  -  (Handbook for PrO, pg- 39, Para-2)

          œ¥¢Vf¤ZÑ  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡-ll  ­r­œ  f­œ  h¡¢am  œ¥¢Vf¤ZÑ  (Cancelled  - Defective   Ballot   Paper)   HC   Lb¡

          ¢m-M   h¡¢am   q-hz Form-18  -a  ¢qp¡h  l¡M-a  q-h  Hhw  HC  dl-el  h¡¢a-ml  S-eÉ ¢e¢cÑø  M¡-j  l¡M-a

          q-hz   HLCi¡-h     -glv   J   eø   h¡¢a-ml   ­r­œ    f­œ  J   f¢Ë  a  kb¡œ²­j  -glv   h¡¢am   (Returned

          Cancelled)  Hhw eø   h¡¢am   (Spoilt   Cancelled)   HC   Lb¡   ¢m-M   ¢fËp¡C¢Xw A¢gp¡l   pC   Ll-hez   ph

          ­r­œC   18   ew   ¢ec-nÑl   ¢e¢cÑø   Lm­j H…­m¡l  ¢qp¡h  l¡M-a  q-hz

                 3)      -gla  h¡¢am  -  (Handbook for PrO, pg- 45)
                   -glv  h¡¢a-ml  ­r­œ  HLV¡  Lb¡  fË¢ed¡e-k¡NÉz  k¢c  -L¡e  -i¡V¡l NË¡j  f’¡­u­a  -i¡V  ¢c-u
           AeÉ  -L¡e  Ù¹-l  -i¡V  e¡  ¢c-u  Q-m  k¡e ­p­r­œ  AeÉ  c¤-V¡Ù¹-ll  hÉ-m¡V  -gla  h¡¢am  q-hz  k¢c
           -i¡V¡l  f-l ¢g-l  H-p  AeÉ  Ù¹-l  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l  Q¡e  ,-pV¡  -cJu¡  k¡-h  e¡z  Bh¡l -L¡e  -i¡V¡l  NË¡j
           f’¡­u­a  -i¡V  ¢c-u  k¢c  f’¡­ua  p¢j¢a  ¢X¢‰­u -Sm¡  f¢lo-cl  ­i¡Vfœ  Q¡e  ­p­r­œ  ay¡-L
           p¢j¢al  hÉ¡mV -ff¡l  q¡-a  ¢e-u  -gla  -cJu¡l  SeÉ  hm-a  q-h  Hhw  hÉ¡mV¢V -gla   h¡¢am   q-hz
           AeÉb¡u   -Sm¡f¢lo-cl   hÉ¡mV   -ff¡l   -cJu¡ k¡-h  e¡z

           4)     eø  h¡¢am  -  (Handbook  for  PrO,  pg-  75,  Rule-60(1) of WBPE Rules-2006)

             eø   h¡¢a-ml   ­r­œJ   HLV¡   hÉ¡f¡l   mrÉ   Ll¡l   j-a¡z   Ap¡hd¡e hnax  -L¡e  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l  ¢R-s

             -N-m,  c¤j-s  j¤Q-s  -N-m  h¡  Hje AhÙÛ¡  qu  k¡-a  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l¢V  Bl  hÉ¡hq¡l-k¡NÉ  h¡  -i¡Vc¡e
             -k¡NÉ e¡  b¡-L  a¡q-m  -p¢V  -glv  ¢e-u  ¢e-a  q-h  Hhw  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡-ll ¢fR-e  J  L¡E¾V¡l  g-u-m

             ¢mM-a  q-h   Spoilt  CancelledHhw Pr.O  pC  b¡L-h  z  -pC  -i¡V¡l-L  AeÉ  HL¢V  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l  ¢c-a

             q-h  z

             5.  Cancelled  :  Refused  to  Sign  (Handbook forPrO, Page- 37, Para-4.2)
                        -L¡-e¡  Ù¹-ll  Ballot  Paper  issuance-Hl  c¡¢u-aÆ  b¡L¡ Polling  Officer,  Ballot  Paper-Hl
           Counterfoil-H -L¡-e¡  -i¡V¡-ll  Electrol  Roll  No.  -mM¡l  fl,  -pC -i¡V¡l   Counterfoil-H   p¢q   h¡
           ¢Vfp¢q   ¢c-a   Aü£L¡l Ll-m,  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l¢V  h¡¢am  h-m  NZÉ  q-h,  hÉ¡mV  -ff¡l J Counterfoil-Hl  ¢fR-e  "
           Cancelled, Refused to Sign  "  ¢mM-a  q-h  z  Form-18-Hl  ¢e¢cÑø  Aw-n¢qp¡hl¡M-aq-hz
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