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DESIGN INNOVATION COURSES                                                               Enterpreneurship

     No of  students Enrolled = 600+
     No of times the course offered = 2

     Entrepreneurship is an elective course offered to all students of the institute and exposes them to practical issues and
     challenges that an aspiring entrepreneur encounters. The course provides them an opportunity to interact face to face
     with entrepreneurs and industry leaders and learn from their journey and experiences. Process of translating an idea
     from proof of concept to marketable product solution, business models, venture financing, tem building and
     partnerships, managing intellectual property, dissemination models etc. are some topics covered in this course. The
     course requires students to work in teams to apply above concepts to real world situations and prepare business plan
     for an assigned case consisting of needs validation, market analysis, solution validation, competitive comparison, pricing
     & marketing strategy, management structure, financial planning and testing. Students have shown an unprecedented
     interest in doing this course. on, pricing & marketing strategy, management structure, financial planning and testing.
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