Page 6 - ISIE Project
P. 6

Meet the First ISIE Winner

                                                                           The winner of ISIE 2018 was

                                                                       Emmanuel Egue, the General
                                                                       Manager of IMOTLTD. The duration

                                                                       which spanned from January 2018 to
                                                                       June 2018 saw a lot of staff put in a

                                                                       lot of quality service, but the general
                                                                       manager managed to edge all. As

                                                                       the directors of the company, we are
                                                                       super proud of his achievements.

                                                                       Now he gets to choose the country
                                                                       of his choice to visit.

         Emmanuel Egue - General Manager  IMOTLTD

               The moment he received his prize

                                         Emmanuel (Middle) pictured with the Directors of IMOTLTD
                                       Director Agbogo Kalu (Left) and Director Obisakin Timothy (Right)
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