Page 14 - ASIA CEO 2020 - SmartDub
P. 14

• Additional Information on SmartDub

                    Solution Components of End to End Localization Offering

       TRANSCRIPTION (SUBTITLING)                                 TEXT to SPEECH
     Technology enabled audio to text with                 Character & voice modulation tagging
      human augmentation for character                      and Automated speech synthesis
            splitting & mapping

                                        TRANSLATION                                        POST-PRODUCTION
                                 Technology assisted translation to               Automated audio post-production & rendering.
                                 target languages with human layer                    Human QC layer for final validation
                                    for validation & corrections

       The above illustration shows the comprehensive solution components of SmartDub, highlighting

       its end-to-end service model.

       In the last two phases is where SmartDub's proprietary technologies introduce their unique elements
       to the localization process, where pure technologies are harnessed and checked for quality through
       human validation processes.

       Whether as a value-add to currently existing services and solutions, or as a stand-alone tool,
       SmartDub shares the SPi Global legacy of leveraging the best of its deep technology acumen
       with a customer-centric partnership mindset to deliver highly-responsive and market-relevant
       business solutions.

       Asia CEO Awards 2020 • Entry for Technology Company of the Year
       Asia CEO A war ds 20 20 • En tr y for  T echnology  Company of the Y ear
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