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               AFFECTS YOUNG ADULTS’

               HONG KONG

               ABSTRACT                 Poster
                                                                                       KWOK Ying Tung
               This study investigates the impacts of fragrance marketing on       BA (Hons) in Fashion Design
               the  emotions  and  behaviours  of  young  adults  in  Hong Kong,
               and  provides  insights  on  how  businesses  can  effectively  use   Faculty of Design and Environment
               scent marketing to enhance their brand reputation and sales.
               The study also highlights the importance of brand identity and
               reputation  in  shaping  customer  behaviours  and  perceptions,
               and the likeability and acceptability of a fragrance can play a
               crucial role in this process.

               The study targets young people aged 18 to 35, with a sample
               size of ten people. The purposes are to learn which fragrances
               can  attract  young  adults,  how  smells  affect  brand  loyalty  and
               reputation, and how demographic information is used by three
               sections of smelling test.

               The  study  findings  suggest  that  the  use  of  ambient  scents
               can  significantly  impact  the  perception  and  memory  of
               shopping  malls.  However,  the  choice  of  scent  should  be
               carefully considered, considering the subjective preferences of
               customers and the overall branding strategy of the shopping
               mall.  Collaboration  with  scent  experts  can  assist  in  finding
               the most suitable scent that matches a brand’s image. Finally,
               the  findings  highlight  the  importance  of  brand  identity  and   Objectives
               reputation  in  shaping  customer  behaviours  and  perceptions,
               and the likeability and acceptability of a fragrance can play a     The research aims to
               significant  role  in  this  process.                               understand how young
                                                                                   adults perceive scent
                                                                                   marketing, investigate their
                                                                                   emotional reactions to
               About the Investigator                                              different scents, discover
                                                                                   which scents can entice
               I  am  Colette  KWOK,  studying  fashion  management.  My           them, and investigate
               supervisor, Ms Jenny CHEUNG, always gives me support and            the relationship between
               useful advice. I am good at creating new ideas for events           demographic information
               and activities. My hobby is bartending and creating infinite        and scent marketing.
               possibilities with the limited materials at my disposal. I am
               a perfume lover, and I hope to become a perfumer in the
               future and bring happiness to those who love scents.

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