Page 12 - May 2018
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Comments are due 08/06/2018. The notice may OFAC Makes Changes to Lists.
be viewed at: The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has
08/pdf/2018-09784.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. amended its lists of Specially Designated Global
83, No. 89, 05/08/2018, 20839-20840. Terrorists, Specially Designated Nationals and
Blocked Persons, and Specially Designated Narcotics
• FEMA has requested comments on proposed Trafficker Kingpins. The documents listing these
flood hazard determinations, which may include changes may be viewed at:
additions or modifications of any Base Flood
Elevation (BFE), base flood depth, Special Flood
Hazard Area (SFHA) boundary or zone Treasury Finalizes Amendments to
designation, or regulatory floodway on the Flood Acquisition Regulations.
Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and where
applicable, in the supporting Flood Insurance The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) finalized
without change the interim final rule that amended
Study (FIS) reports for communities in the states the Department of the Treasury Acquisition
of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The FIRM Regulation (DTAR) by adding a subpart titled
and FIS report are the basis of the floodplain “Responsible Prospective Contractor” and a
management measures that the community is paragraph concerning Representation and
required either to adopt or to show evidence of certifications regarding responsibility matters, for the
having in effect in order to qualify or remain purpose of directing IRS contracting officers to the
qualified for participation in the National Flood newly added DTAR subpart titled “Tax Check
Insurance Program (NFIP). Comments are due Requirement,” which prescribes the policies and
08/06/2018. The notice may be viewed at: procedures for performing a tax check on the apparent successful offeror in order to determine
08/pdf/2018-09786.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. eligibility to receive an award. The final rule is
83, No. 89, 05/08/2018, 20834-20836. effective 05/11/2018. The final rule may be viewed
11/pdf/2018-07458.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
FEMA Issues Correction to Proposed No. 70, 04/11/2018, 15502-15503.
Flood Hazard Determination.
Treasury Extends Compliance Date for
FEMA has issued a correction regarding a proposed Qualified Financial Contract
flood hazard determination that was originally
published in the Federal Register on 04/05/2018. The Recordkeeping.
proposed flood hazard determination contained an
erroneous table which is corrected in the notice. Treasury announced the extension of the compliance
Comments are due 08/06/2018. The notice may be dates of the regulation implementing the qualified
viewed at: financial contract recordkeeping requirements of the
05-08/pdf/2018-09787.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. Dodd-Frank Act. The final rule is now effective
83, No. 89, 05/08/2018, 20843-20844. 05/23/2018. The notice may be viewed at:
FinCEN Requests Comment on 23/pdf/2018-08388.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
No. 78, 04/23/2018, 17619-17621.
Information Collections.
Treasury Issued Call for Large Position
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN) announced it seeks comment on the Reports.
information collection titled CISADA Reporting
Requirements—31 CFR 1060.300. FinCEN also gave Treasury called for the submission of Large Position
notice that they sent the collection to OMB for Reports by those entities whose positions in the
review. Comments are due 07/02/2018. The notice 2.25% Treasury Notes of November 2027 equaled or
may be viewed at: exceeded $4.58 billion as of 01/12/2018. The reports are due 04/16/2018. The notice may be viewed at:
02/pdf/2018-09267.pdf Federal Register, Vol. 83,
No. 85, 05/02/2018, 19402-19403.
MAY 2018