Page 3 - May 2018
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Agencies Propose Amendments to                     05/21/2018. The notice may be viewed at:
               Enhanced Supplementary Leverage Ratio    
                                                                  19/pdf/2018-08066.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
               Standards.                                         No. 76, 04/19/2018, 17317-17327.

               The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
               System (FRB), and the Office of the Comptroller of   Agencies Request Comment on
               the Currency (OCC) proposed amendments that        Information Collection.
               would modify the enhanced supplementary leverage
               ratio standards for U.S. top-tier bank holding     The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
               companies identified as global systemically important   System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance
               bank holding companies (GSIBs) and certain of their   Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the
               insured depository institution subsidiaries.       Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced they
               Specifically, the proposal would modify the current 2   seek comment on the information collection titled
               percent leverage buffer, which applies to each GSIB,   The Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income.
               to equal 50 percent of the firm’s GSIB risk-based   The Agencies also gave notice that they sent the
               capital surcharge. The proposal also would require a   collection to OMB for review. Comments are due
               FRB- or OCC-regulated insured depository           05/11/2018. The notice may be viewed at:
               institution subsidiary of a GSIB to maintain a
               supplementary leverage ratio of at least 3 percent   11/pdf/2018-07443.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
               plus 50 percent of the GSIB risk-based surcharge   No. 70, 04/11/2018, 15678-15702.
               applicable to its top-tier holding company in order to
               be deemed “well capitalized” under FRB’s and       CFPB Finalizes Amendments to Federal
               OCC’s prompt corrective action rules. Consistent   Mortgage Disclosure Requirements
               with this approach to establishing enhanced        Under the Truth in Lending Act.
               supplementary leverage ratio standards for insured
               depository institutions, OCC is proposing to revise   The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
               the methodology it uses to identify which national   (CFPB) finalized amendments to Federal mortgage
               banks and Federal savings associations are subject to   disclosure requirements under the Real Estate
               the enhanced supplementary leverage ratio standards   Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and the Truth in
               to ensure that they apply only to those national banks   Lending Act (TILA) that are implemented in
               and Federal savings associations that are subsidiaries   Regulation Z. The amendments relate to when a
               of a Board-identified GSIB. FRB also is seeking    creditor may compare charges paid by or imposed on
               comment on a proposal to make conforming           the consumer to amounts disclosed on a Closing
               modifications to the GSIB leverage buffer of FRB’s   Disclosure, instead of a Loan Estimate, to determine
               total loss-absorbing capacity and long-term debt   if an estimated closing cost was disclosed in good
               requirements and other minor amendments to the     faith. The final rule is effective 06/01/2018. The
               buffer levels, covered intermediate holding company   notice may be viewed at:
               conformance period, methodology for calculating the
               covered intermediate holding company long-term     02/pdf/2018-09243.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
               debt amount, and external total loss-absorbing     No. 85, 05/02/2018, 19159-19176.
               capacity risk-weighted buffer. Comments are due

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