Page 6 - March 2018
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Insured Depository Institution in Connection      the date of this notice. If any person wishes to
                   With a Securitization or Participation After      comment concerning the termination of any of
                   September 30, 2010. FDIC also gave notice that    the receiverships, such comment must be made
                   it sent the collection to OMB for review.         in writing, identify the receivership to which the
                   Comments are due 03/19/2018. The notice may       comment pertains, and be sent within thirty days
                   be viewed at:                                     of the date of this notice to: Federal Deposit
                  Insurance Corporation, Division of Resolutions
                   16/pdf/2018-03198.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.     and Receiverships, Attention: Receivership
                   83, No. 33, 02/16/2018, 7036-7038.                Oversight Department 34.6, 1601 Bryan Street,
                                                                     Dallas, TX 75201. No comments concerning the
               •   FDIC announced it seeks comment on the            termination of the above-mentioned
                   information collection titled Recordkeeping,      receiverships will be considered which are not
                   Disclosure and Reporting Requirements in          sent within this time frame. The notices may be
                   Connection with Regulation Z. FDIC also gave      viewed at:
                   notice that it sent the collection to OMB for     2018-02-21/pdf/2018-03492.pdf. Federal
                   review. Comments are due 03/22/2018. The          Register, Vol. 83, No. 35, 02/21/2018, 7473.
                   notice may be viewed at:                
                  08/pdf/2018-04634.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   20/pdf/2018-03426.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.     83, No. 46, 03/08/2018, 9854.
                   83, No. 34, 02/20/2018, 7179-7183.
                                                                  •   FDIC as Receiver was charged with the duty of
               •   FDIC announced it seeks comment on the            winding up the affairs of former depository
                   information collections titled Interagency        institutions and liquidating all related assets. The
                   Biographical and Financial Report; Interagency    Receiver has fulfilled its obligations and made
                   Bank Merger Act Application; Interagency          all dividend distributions required by law. The
                   Notice of Change in Control; and Interagency      Receiver has further irrevocably authorized and
                   Notice of Change in Director or Senior            appointed FDIC-Corporate as its attorney-in-fact
                   Executive Officer. FDIC also gave notice that it   to execute and file any and all documents that
                   sent the collection to OMB for review.            may be required to be executed by the Receiver
                   Comments are due 04/30/2018. The notice may       which FDIC-Corporate, in its sole discretion,
                   be viewed at:                                     deems necessary, including but not limited to
                  releases, discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,
                   01/pdf/2018-04136.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.     assignments, and deeds. Effective on the
                   83, No. 41, 03/01/2018, 8867-8870.                termination dates listed in the final column of the
                                                                     chart in the notice, the Receiverships have been
               FDIC Issues Terminations of                           terminated, the Receiver has been discharged,
               Receiverships.                                        and the Receiverships have ceased to exist as
                                                                     legal entities. The notice may be viewed at:
               •   FDIC as Receiver for former depository  
                   institutions, intends to terminate its receivership   08/pdf/2018-04634.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   for the institutions listed in the notices. The   83, No. 46, 03/08/2018, 9854.
                   liquidation of the assets for each receivership has
                   been completed. To the extent permitted by     OCC Finalizes Amendments to Stress
                   available funds and in accordance with law, the   Testing Regulation.
                   Receiver will be making a final dividend
                   payment to proven creditors. Based upon the    The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
                   foregoing, the Receiver has determined that the   finalized a rule making several revisions to stress
                   continued existence of the receiverships will   testing regulation. The final rule changes the range of
                   serve no useful purpose. Consequently, notice is   possible “as-of” dates used in the global market
                   given that the receiverships shall be terminated,   shock component to conform to changes already
                   to be effective no sooner than thirty days after   made by FRB to its stress testing regulations. The
                                                                  final rule also changes the transition process for
                                                        MARCH 2018
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