Page 4 - May 2017 Regulatory Review
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new notice that corrects and supersedes the Bank, Wilmington, North Carolina.
previously published document. Comments are due (Receivership Estate). The Receiver has made all
06/20/2017. The notice may be viewed at: dividend distributions required by law. The Receiver has further irrevocably authorized and
21/pdf/2017-08072.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, appointed FDIC-Corporate as its attorney-in-fact
No. 76, 04/21/2017, 18759-18762. to execute and file any and all documents that
may be required to be executed by the Receiver
FDIC Issues Notice of Systemic which FDIC-Corporate, in its sole discretion,
Resolution Advisory Committee Charter deems necessary; including but not limited to
Renewal. releases, discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,
assignments and deeds. Effective 04/01/2017,
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) the Receivership Estate has been terminated, the
has renewed the FDIC Systemic Resolution Advisory Receiver discharged, and the Receivership Estate
Committee. The Systemic Resolution Advisory has ceased to exist as a legal entity. The notice
Committee will continue to provide advice and may be viewed at:
recommendations on how the FDIC’s systemic
resolution authority, and its implementation, may 11/pdf/2017-07189.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
impact regulated entities and other stakeholders
potentially affected by the process. The notice may 82, No. 68, 04/11/2017, 17426.
be viewed at:
2017-05-04/pdf/2017-08985.pdf. Federal Register, • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it has been
Vol 82. No. 85, 05/04/2017, 20888. authorized to take all actions necessary to
terminate the receivership estate of Pacific Coast
FDIC Requests Comment on Information National Bank, San Clemente, California.
(Receivership Estate). The Receiver has made all
Collections. dividend distributions required by law. The
Receiver has further irrevocably authorized and
• FDIC has issued a notice to announce it seeks
comment on the information collection titled appointed FDIC-Corporate as its attorney-in-fact
Interagency Biographical and Financial Report. to execute and file any and all documents that
may be required to be executed by the Receiver
FDIC is also giving notice that it has sent the
collection to OMB for review. Comments are which FDIC-Corporate, in its sole discretion,
deems necessary; including but not limited to
due 05/30/2017. The notice may be viewed at: releases, discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,
28/pdf/2017-08604.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. assignments and deeds. Effective 04/01/2017,
82, No. 81, 04/28/2017, 19716-19718. the Receivership Estate has been terminated, the
Receiver discharged, and the Receivership Estate
• FDIC has issued a notice to announce it seeks has ceased to exist as a legal entity. The notice
comment on the information collection titled may be viewed at:
Application for Waiver of Prohibition on
Acceptance of Brokered Deposits. FDIC is also 12/pdf/2017-07327.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
giving notice that it has sent the collection to 82, No. 69, 04/12/2017, 17660.
OMB for review. Comments are due 06/27/2017.
The notice may be viewed at: • FDIC has issued a notice to announce it has been
authorized to take all actions necessary to
28/pdf/2017-08667.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. terminate the receivership estate of Sun Security
82, No. 81, 04/28/2017, 19718-19721. Bank, Ellington, Missouri (Receivership Estate).
FDIC Issues Notices of Terminations of The Receiver has made all dividend distributions
Receiverships. required by law. The Receiver has further
irrevocably authorized and appointed FDIC-
Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to execute and
• FDIC has issued a notice to announce it has been file any and all documents that may be required
authorized to take all actions necessary to to be executed by the Receiver which FDIC-
terminate the receivership estate of Cape Fear
Corporate, in its sole discretion, deems