Page 14 - October 2017
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effective from 09/28/2017 through 11/22/2017. The   The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
               rule may be viewed at:                             announced the decision to close the Temporary
               Corporate Credit Union Stabilization Fund in 2017,
               02/pdf/2017-21094.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,   prior to its scheduled closing date in June 2021, and
               No. 189, 10/02/2017, 45722-45725.                  raise the normal operating level of the National
                                                                  Credit Union Share Insurance Fund to 1.39 percent.
               SEC Issues Notice of Applications for              The Stabilization Fund Closure is effective
               Deregistration.                                    10/01/2017, the normal operating level of the
                                                                  Insurance Fund is effective 09/28/2017. The notice
                                                                  may be viewed at:
               SEC issued a notice of applications for deregistration
               under section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act of   04/pdf/2017-21305.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
               1940. A copy of each application may be obtained   No. 191, 10/04/2017, 46298-46309.
               via SEC’s Web site by searching for the file number,
               or for an applicant using the Company name box, at
      or by calling   NCUA Proposes Amendments to
               (202) 551-8090. An order granting each application   Advertising Rule.
               will be issued unless the SEC orders a hearing. The
               notice includes all applications for the month of   NCUA proposed to revise certain provisions of its
               September. The notice may be viewed at:            advertising rule to provide regulatory relief to
               federally insured credit unions (FICUs). The
               05/pdf/2017-21416.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,   advertising rule requires FICUs to use NCUA’s
               No. 192, 10/05/2017, 46587-46589.                  official advertisement statement when advertising. In
                                                                  addition to being permitted to use any of the three
               FASB Issues Statement of Federal                   current versions of the official advertising statement,
                                                                  NCUA proposes to allow FICUs the option of using a
               Financial Accounting Concepts 8.                   fourth version, namely by stating “Insured by
                                                                  NCUA.” To provide additional regulatory relief,
               The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board    NCUA proposes to expand a current exemption from
               (FASB) issued Statement of Federal Financial       the advertising statement requirement regarding radio
               Accounting Concepts 8, Federal Financial           and television advertisements, and eliminate the
               Reporting. The Statement is available on the FASB   requirement to include the official advertising
               website at:       statement on statements of condition required to be
               standards/. The notice may be viewed at:           published by law. Comments are due 12/04/2017.
               The notice may be viewed at:
               27/pdf/2017-20675.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
               No. 186, 09/27/2017, 45023.                        04/pdf/2017-21316.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
                                                                  No. 191, 10/04/2017, 46173-46174.
               FASB Requests Comment on Proposed
               Statement of Federal Financial                     NCUA Requests Comment on Strategic
               Accounting Standards.                              Plan.

               FASB issued an exposure draft of a proposed        NCUA requests comment on its 2018-2022 Draft
               Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards   Strategic Plan. The NCUA 2018-2022 Draft Strategic
               titled Amending Inter-Entity Cost Provisions.      Plan summarizes the internal and external
               Comments are due 11/30/2017. The notice may be     environment impacting NCUA; evaluates NCUA
               viewed at:  programs and risks; and provides goals and
               09-14/pdf/2017-19064.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.   objectives for the next five years. While NCUA
               82, No. 177, 09/14/2017, 43231.                    welcomes all comments from the public and
                                                                  stakeholders, it specifically invites comments and
               NCUA Announces Early Closure of                    input on the proposed goals and objectives of the
               Temporary Corporate Credit Union                   strategic plan. Comments are due 12/04/2017. The
               Stabilization Fund.                                notice may be viewed at:

                                                                  04/pdf/2017-21304.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
                                                                  No. 191, 10/04/2017, 46297-46298.

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