Page 13 - January 2018
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HUD Announces Withdrawal of Proposed               •   HUD announced it seeks comment on the
               Rules.                                                information collection titled Housing Counseling
                                                                     Program—Biennial Agency Performance
               HUD has determined not to pursue five proposed        Review. HUD also gave notice that it sent the
               rules published in the Federal Register and, as a     collection to OMB for review. Comments are
               result, is withdrawing the rules from HUD’s Unified   due 01/17/2018. The notice may be viewed at:
               Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.
               HUD is taking this action consistent with Executive   18/pdf/2017-27193.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               Order 13771 entitled “Reducing Regulation and         82, No. 241, 12/18/2017, 60028.
               Controlling Regulatory Costs” which, among other
               things, require that the cost of planned regulations be   •   HUD announced it seeks comment on the
               prudently managed and controlled. The proposed
               rules are withdrawn effective 12/22/2017. The notice   information collection titled Performing Loan
               may be viewed at:                                     Servicing for the Home Equity Conversion
                  Mortgage (HECM). HUD also gave notice that it
               22/pdf/2017-27615.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,     sent the collection to OMB for review.
               No. 245, 12/22/2017, 60693.                           Comments are due 01/17/2018. The notice may
                                                                     be viewed at:
               HUD Extends Submission Deadline for         
               Assessment of Fair Housing.                           18/pdf/2017-27195.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                                                                     82, No. 241, 12/18/2017, 60032.
               HUD is extending the deadline for submission of an
               Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) by local          FEMA Issues Final Rules on Suspensions
               government consolidated plan program participants   of NFIP Community Eligibility.
               to their next AFH submission date that falls after
               10/31/2020. Such program participants will not be   •   The Federal Emergency Management Agency
               required to submit an AFH using the current OMB-      (FEMA) issued a final rule which identifies
               approved version of the Assessment of Fair Housing    communities in the state of Louisiana, where the
               Tool for Local Governments (OMB Control No:           sale of flood insurance has been authorized under
               2529–0054), but must continue to comply with          the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
               existing obligations to affirmatively further fair    that are scheduled for suspension on the effective
               housing. Local government program participants that   dates listed within the final rule because of
               have already submitted an AFH that has been           noncompliance with the floodplain management
               accepted by HUD must continue to execute the goals    requirements of the program. If FEMA receives
               of that AFH. The extension is applicable 01/05/2018,   documentation that the community has adopted
               comments are due 03/06/2018. The notice may be        the required floodplain management measures
               viewed at:     prior to the effective suspension date given in the
               01-05/pdf/2018-00106.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      final rule, the suspension will not occur and a
               83, No. 4, 01/05/2018, 683-685.                       notice of this will be provided by publication in
                                                                     the Federal Register on a subsequent date. The
               HUD Requests Comment on Information                   effective date of each community’s scheduled
               Collections.                                          suspension is the third date listed in the third
                                                                     column of the tables in the final rule. The final
               •   HUD announced it seeks comment on the             rule may be viewed at:
                   information collection titled Continuation of
                   Interest Reduction Payments After Refinancing     29/pdf/2017-28182.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   Section 236 Projects. HUD also gave notice that   82, No. 249, 12/29/2017, 61696-61697.
                   it sent the collection to OMB for review.
                   Comments are due 01/17/2018. The notice may    •   FEMA issued a final rule which identifies
                                                                     communities in the states of Florida, New York,
                   be viewed at:                                     Oregon, and Texas, where the sale of flood
                  insurance has been authorized under the National
                   18/pdf/2017-27191.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.     Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that are
                   82, No. 241, 12/18/2017, 60027-60028.             scheduled for suspension on the effective dates
                                                                     listed within the final rule because of

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