Page 6 - Newsletter spring 2022
P. 6

                   The Worshipful Company of Farmers
The Importance of Health and Wellbeing
At our March lunch, Jim Hume,
the present Chairman of the Livery’s Health & Wellbeing forum, spoke of his background in family farming and his observation that those communities predominantly consisting of family farms were remarkably connected and strong. Convinced that farmers should engage ‘outwith’ (in the Scottish vernacular) their own circles with those making decision that affect their lives, the guiding lights of connection and collaboration have given Jim a fascinatingly diverse career.
Having been involved in many organisations covering forestry,
rural advice, sustainability and the Scottish NFU; he was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2007 and 2011 where he held a rural brief. He led successful campaigns to prevent the Scottish Government from selling off
the Forestry Estate and stopped the closure of six community hospitals. A 2013 Private Members Bill resulted in legislation prohibiting smoking in cars with child passengers. He travelled extensively in the Middle East and Eastern Europe; areas where conflict has adversely impacted mental health.
In 2016, Jim established the National Rural Mental Health Forum, with the charity Support Mind Scotland. From an initial 20 members, this forum now has 220 members focused
on tackling and raising awareness, reducing stigma, promoting mental health training, furthering research and informing policy. Again, its guiding principles are collaboration and partnership.
Jim has chaired our Livery Health & Wellbeing forum since 2020 and is instilling the exact same principles
with great success. He closed by encouraging everyone to reflect how they could further support those experiencing mental health problems, as well as reviewing farm safety. We are a community; this is everyone’s business.
 Jim Hume, Chairman of the Livery’s Health & Wellbeing forum
 The Worshipful Company of Farmers Annual Banquet
The Guest of Honour was the Countess of Wessex, who gave the main address and presented awards to Liverymen Andrew Blenkiron and Jim Hume
  The Master, Karen Mercer, and her Wardens greeted 260 Liverymen and guests as they entered the magnificent Drapers Hall for the Worshipful Company of Farmers’ Annual Banquet on 25 January. This year marks the 70th Anniversary of the Company gaining Livery status, and as the evening fell on Burns night, we celebrated our birthday in
6 true Scottish style, with bagpipes,
tartan, haggis and whisky.
In his opening address, the Senior Warden, Richard Davies gave a brief history of Drapers Hall, welcomed everyone and paid tribute to the representatives of the Company’s four military affiliations who joined us for the evening – Commander Vince Owen accompanied by his wife, Victoria from HMS Defender, Group Captain Mark Lorriman-
Hughes OBE from RAF Waddington, Major Sam Beagley, accompanied by Isobel Smith, from The Westminster Dragoons and Wing Commander Niall Cummings, accompanied by his wife Morag, of Middlesex Wing of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets, who once again provided the Carpet Guard that welcomed our guests.

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