Page 9 - MergedFile
P. 9
With respect to toys, electronic gadgets and smart devices; TIS will not be held liable for any lost,
damaged, or stolen items that are brought to school. TIS staff have the right to request access to
such devices given that the student has not complied with a staff member’s direction, and/or
there is evidence that the student has used the device inappropriately. Consequences will
follow the school intervention guidelines for Minor, Major and Serious and/or Illegal Misbehaviour.
1. Examples of Minor Misbehaviours:
a. Refusal to follow directions of a staff member or responsible adult
b. Disregard and non compliance of the Essential Agreement
c. Non-compliance with the dress code or uniform policy
d. Misuse of electronic devices including smart devices.
i. Interventions/Consequences for Minor Misbehaviour:
1. Discussion with the student.
2. Reflective thinking/conflict resolution
3. Develop a plan with the student (goal setting/behaviour diary)
4. Student/parent//teacher contact
a. Repeat Minor Misbehaviours
i. Same as minor misbehaviour, plus
ii. Meet with parent/Head of Primary
2. Examples of Major Misbehaviours:
a. Repeated refusal to follow directions of a staff member
b. Willful destruction of property and/or stealing
c. Fighting, harassment, intimidation, bullying, verbal/physical abuse
d. Cyber bullying.
i. Interventions/Consequences for Major Misbehaviours:
1. Same as Repeat Minor Misbehaviours, plus
2. Meet with parent/Head of School
3. In-school suspension
4. Out of school suspension up to 3 days.
3. Examples of Serious and/or Illegal Misbehaviours:
a. Physical and/or psychological threats
b. Vicious physical assault
c. Serious breach of TIS Digital Citizenship Agreement
d. Repeated major misbehaviours.
i. Interventions/Consequences for Serious and/or Illegal Misbehaviours:
1. Meeting with student/parent/Head of School, and
2. Immediate suspension, possible expulsion.