P. 6
I am happy to know that the Directorate General of Trade Remedies is bringing out,
for the first time, a Manual containing detailed procedures to be followed in the discharge
of various steps involved in trade remedial investigations. The manual incorporates relevant
laws, regulations, trade notices and circulars issued, apart from key relevant decisions/
WTO jurisprudence/precedents as well. I believe that this Manual will bring in uniformity,
transparency and accountability in the functioning of the Directorate and will act as a
reference handbook for guidance during different investigations.
I understand that the proposed Manual will also compliment the recently
updated Compendium of Laws & Regulations and will be of great help to the officers
of the Directorate, particularly new entrants. This publication is a welcome initiative
for demystifying procedures and systems related to Trade Remedies. I congratulate the
Department for taking this important initiative.
(C.R. Chaudhary)