Page 62 - 2018气侯影视大会2018-09-12
P. 62

             2016 年联合国气候变化马拉喀什大会                               2016 Marrakech Climate Change Conference

                 2016 年 11 月 18 日 ,2017 第二届中国 ( 深圳 )           2017 HCCFF Organizing Committee held an
                                                               official press conference in the Marrakech
     往届回顾    国际气候影视大会在联合国气候变化马拉喀什大会官                           Climate Change Conference on November
             方新闻发布厅举行了全球新闻发布会 , 面向全球发布
                                                               18th, delivered call for entries from the world.

             联合国气候变化马拉喀什大会新闻发布会                                新闻发布会发言人刘晓婷
             2017 HCCFF Press Conference in Marrakech          Catherine Liu, Co-Founder of HCCFF

                         Green Film Initiative

                 大会组委会在第一届大会上提出中国“绿色影视”                        HCCFF’S organizing committee has put forward
                                                               the concept of Green Film in the first session,
                                                               and deepened the meaning in the 2017. By
             关领域的专家智慧,制定了中国第一份绿色影视倡议                           gathering the wisdom from experts in related
                                                               fields, the No.1 Green Film Initiative in China
             书,共设有 8 项准则。倡议书旨在提高影视从业者的
                                                               has been created with 8 specific principles.
             绿色低碳意识,提倡减少影视作品的碳足迹,鼓励影                           It aims to enhance the awareness of green

             视作品积极关注环境议题。未来我们将与主管影视的                           development and low carbon lifestyles with
                                                               film practitioners, reduce the carbon footprint
             政府部门、电视台、影视制作机构等绿色影视行动合                           in film production and promote the protection

             作伙伴,共同遵循并推动绿色影视的行动准则,使其                           of natural resources. Meanwhile, encourage the
                                                               film makers to pay attention to environmental
                                                               issues. We will work with the government
                                                               departments, TV stations and film production
                                                               companies to conduct the green film initiative
                                                               and make it into a national standard.
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