Page 96 - Year Book 2018
P. 96
Annual Athletic
Sports Meet
The school playground of Springdales School Dubai was filled students soaring high with zeal and rigour.
with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere on
Tuesday, 17th January, 2017 as the school celebrated its The best athletes’ award was awarded to Yatharth S. & Anan-
Annual Athletic Sports Meet. Almost 345 students from the ya P. (under 10), Deepanshu Singh & Rida Khan (Under 12),
school enthusiastically participated in the event. The events Joshua S. & Johana A. (Under 14) and M. Anan & Siha A.
were categorized into four age categories i.e. Sub Junior (Be- (Above 14) respectively.
low 10 years), Junior (Below 12 years), Inter (Below 14 Years)
and Senior 9 (Above 14 Years). Freedom House stood first in overall Girl’s Championship.
Peace House amazed everyone with their astounding perfor-
The program began with students’ march past as per their mance and made way to secure the first place in the Boy’s
respective houses i.e. Peace, Unity, Forward and Freedom Championship as well as Overall championship too. It was a
house. Mrs. Jasmine Anand graced the occasion with their successful day which witnessed the participation of teachers,
presence. Students mesmerized the audience with their ener- parents & supporting staff. The Head of school applauded the
getic performances. effort of the students and the teachers for making the event
a huge success. All the schoolmates enjoyed themselves and
We started with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qu- had an unforgettable Sports Day. The event came to an end
ran followed by the solemn oath from the Sports President to successfully with the vote of thanks given by Deepakshi R,
the participants. The sports torch was carried by the sports leaving thrilling memories in the hearts of all.
presidents (Sreekar G.), School head boy (Aryan Gulati), Best
runner (Siha A.) & Judo National Player (Deepakshi R.). The Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary
Head of School, Ms. Farah Soonawalla addressed the gather- Subject Leader Physical Education Department
ing and officially declared the sports meet open. The balloons
were released, symbolizing the vibrant hopes of the sporting