Page 14 - Meet The Team CS - Orientation
P. 14


                                                      ASSISTANT EDUCATOR

                                                                    M I S S   O L I V I A

                                                 S T U D Y I N G   D I P L O M A   O F   E A R L Y
                                                                      S H E L L I   H A N S O N
                                                              E D U C A T I O N   A N D   C A R E

                                          Miss Olivia may be the youngest member of the Kids Club

                                          team, but she has the enthusiasm and passion of someone

                                           beyond her years. Miss Olivia is passionate that building

                                                 relationships with children that are respectful and

                                             responsive help the child learn confidently. Miss Olivia

                                                    works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19