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The Trent Radio 92.7 FM CFFF

       Broadcast Schedule Fall-Spring 2018-19

          Sunday         1430-1500 The Tavis   0900-1000 Sports Break   1900-1930 Wk1 Peterbor-  1130-1200 Empowering
                                                           ough Today’s Tomorrow w/
                         Laffan Show w/Tavis
                                                                             You To FLY w/Stacey
                                           w/Jim Tubb A weekly up-
                         Laffan Shining a light   date of sports news ranging   Laurel Paluck & Phillip   Moore
       1000-1130 Peterborough   on the small city of   from Ptbo happenings, to   Oakley Hosts Tony Day and   Giving you the tools to
       Currents          Peterborough.     the four major sports.  Tamara Knight take a comedic   live a life of health, energy,
       w/Ayesha Barmania                                   crack on P’tbo news & views.  positivity and abundance.
       We tell the stories of   1500-1600 What’s In My   1000-1100 Trent Travels   FLY - First Love Yourself.
       the people shaping our   Sleeve w/Hannah Collins   w/Tristan Moher Get your   1930-2000 Wk1 Teach Talk
       community.        & Will Dobbins Featuring   weekly slice of interna-  w/ Danielle Codeluppi Teach   1200-1300 Arthur Hour
                         a mystery record every   tional pie, as we showcase   Talk incorporates some of the   w/Leina Amatsuji-Berry
       1130-1600 Peterborough   week and listen to it for the   a different country every   social justice ideas that are   & Lubna Sadek Welcome
       Independent Podcasters   first time ever.  week.    covered in the Teach Outside   to Arthur Hour! Bring-
       Showcase w/Ayesha                                   The Box certification. This   ing written words to life
       Barmania best in local   1600-1700 Discovering   1100-1130 Smooth Op-  show will include guests   through radio.
       podcasting provided by the   Jazz w/Larry Saidman   erator  and will have interesting
       members of PIP.   An exploration of Jazz.           conversations about the ins and   1300-1330 The Salty Dog
                                           1130-1200 TBA   outs of education!  w/Pete Dalliday & Bruce
       1600-1700 The Interview   1700-1800 Bluegrass                         Saltern Join us for 30 min-
       w/Angelica Cooper   Canada w/Sarah Milner   1200-1300 The Wired   1900-2000 Wk2 Ceremonies   utes of great Peterborough
       Conversations live on air.  A weekly showcase of   Woodshed w/Washboard   for Strange Folk w/Kathleen   chatter each week.
                         Canadian bluegrass music.  Hank & Sean Eyre Hank   Adamson & Julia Fenn Join
         Monday          1800-1830 Smooth   and Sean come back with   us in ritual, allow us to escort   1330-1400 The We Gen-
                                                                             eration w/Tom Young
                                                           you into the sacred, shadowed
                                           more humourous blather
                         Operator          and great music.  past.           Co-operation instead of
       0900-1000 Forces of   1830-1900 TBA                                   conflict.
       Nature w/Erika Nininger   1900-1930 The Good Rub   1300-1400 Air Muttz   2000-2100 Love Songs for
       Breaking down the   w/Baxter Morris keeping   w/Daniel M Collins &   Jordan Brydges w/Tyler   1400-1430 Smooth Op-
       mechanical and musical   you updated with rap news   Duncan MacKinnon   Watson Children’s Bedtime   erator
       elements of keyboard   on underground artists.   Music performed by the   Story, Live Music, Punk Rock
       instruments.                        composer.       ethics for the love of music and   1430-1600 Awesome &
                         1930-2000 Main Source             friendship.       Then Some w/Morris
       1000-1030 Political   w/Matt Douglas & Emily   1400-1430 Smooth Op-   Turney & Sean Eyre
       Instrument w/ Liam St.   Fitzgerald Sharing and   erator  2100-2200 Wk1 New Strokes   “Awesome & Then Some”
       John.             loving new music.                 4 Different Folx w/Sara Shah-  says it all!
                                           1430-1500 30 Minute   savari & Kyha Craig New,
       1030-1100 Environmental   2000-2100 Choose Your   Grammy w/Erin Clancy   alternative, local & massively   1600-1700 Deconstruct-
       Soup w/Robert Gibson   Own Adventure (CYOA)   & Melissa Hennig A small   underrated artists.  ing Sound w/Mike McGill
       Exploring environmental   w/Chris Lawson & Emily   song idea turned it into a   & Josh Smith Do you love
       issues and ways to become   Minthorn Let us lead you   Grammy-worthy song right   2100-2200 Wk2 Pints &   history? Every week we
       engaged & informed.  on an Audio Adventure!   before your ears.  Politics w/Bill Templeman   deconstruct a different era
                         Hit up @CYOA_PTBO                 An open discussion of political   of history and the music
       1100-1130 Smooth   on Twitter to join in on the   1500-1600 Warehouse of   issues at any level of govern-  behind it.
       Operator          adventure.        Strangers Radio, Radio   ment that affect the Peterbor-
       1130-1230 Studio A                  w/Patrick Walsh Punk   ough community.  1700-1800 On-Air “Sci-
       Training          2100-2200 True Facts   rock. Reggae. Hard Rock.     ence” Fair! w/John
                         and Dope Tracks Devon   Old Blues. Local Music.  2200-2300 Nights With Tony   Whelan & Marty Cleary
       1230 - 1300 Startups   Harding & Matthew            Mony w/Anthony Moniz I   A weekly exploration into
       In The City w/Rachel   LeGrand true stories   1600-1700 ‘Member   let the music do the talking, so   the wonderful world of
       Stark & Rosalea Terry   about the weird world we   This? w/Shawna Black-  you can keep on rocking!  SCIENCE!
       The Innovation Cluster   live in.   wood Promoting local mu-
       and FastStart highlighting          sicians with live interviews   2300-0000 Jammed Signal w/  1800-1830 Smooth Op-
       world-class entrepreneurs   2200-2330 Bleep Bloop   and the inside scoop.  Scott Somerville Jamming the   erator
       & startups in the region.  w/Rob Hailman Live       signals with the best of the Jam
                         experiments in electronic   1700-1800 Sound and   Band Universe.  1830-1900 Wk1 Upstairs
       1300-1330 The     music.            Vision w/Robert Alley Ex-         Neighbour w/ Zack Bar-
       Storytellers’ Corner w/             plore and examine the lush        mania This programme
       Phyllis Dobbie Where                world of soundtracks.  Wednesday  is a home for radio plays,
       storytelling is explored   Tuesday                                    poetry and spoken word to
       through interviews and              1800-1900 Conscien-               be enjoyed by the commu-
       readings.                                           1000-1100 Country Spotlight
                         0700-0900 The Shake   tious Objector w/  w/John & Lyn Morris Our   nity. Classics and student
       1330-1400 Co-Op Radio   Up w/Rachelle Sauve   Rachelle Sauve An audio   program plays classic country   work given time and
                                                                             critical eye.
                                           exploration of current
       (TBA)             The Shake Up is a dance           hits plus many rare and alter-
                         party, a meditation and an   events through incendiary   nate album cuts.
       1400-1430 Smooth   invitation to move together   insights, soundtracks of   1830-1900 Wk2Few &
                                                                             Far Between w/Josh Few-
                                           sedition & the voices of
       Operator          towards self acceptance,          1100-1130 Smooth Operator
                         self trust, and self love.  those who struggle on the   ings Highlighting concerts,
                                           front lines of resistance.        events and the creative
                                                                             minds behind them.
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