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         TEACHER, CAN
        YOU TEACH ME?                                                                        Tr

          CUST-3139H-A: Workshop:                                                            e
             Radio and Podcasting                                                            t

        2019WI - Peterborough Campus                                                         R
        I did a thing, in a classroom at                                                     i

        Trent,  where  I  showed  up  each                                                   9
        week  with  apples  and  baked                                                       2
        goods, and led a workshop about                                                      7

        my  perspective  of  Radio  cul-                                                     F
        ture  and  production.  They  did
        a  thing  where  they  created  au-
        dio  projects  while  learning  the
        gear,  and  then  produced  Live
        Radio  Dramas  from  class,  and
        are about to broadcast their final
        projects  from  StudioA  @ Trent
        Radio House.

        This gift of teaching has been an
        exceptional  opportunity  to  re-
        engage  with  my  understanding
        of,  and  passion  for  Community
                                                General Manager’s
        Thank you to every community
        member who helped me prepare                        Haiku
        for this experience. Thank you to
        every  community  member  who         by John K. Muir, General Manager
        helped  me  survive  this  experi-
        ence.  And,  thank  you  to  every    The boughs of wind
        student who showed up and en-         Shrieking crack of blossomed waves
        gaged with the class and the con-     Breath breathing the ether

        -  Jill  Stavely,  PM,  RRFG  &                                                      3
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