Page 10 - Human Development Division
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              The Bank (represented by the Division) has conducted two-day joint event with the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), the Turkish Red Crescent and the Islamic Relief Worldwide has been successfully conducted. More than 130 representatives of around 20 Member Countries (MCs) from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Governments (Afghanistan, Jordan, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey) and regional institutions experts participated in the workshop. The main objective of the Workshop is to deliberate the challenges and opportunities for elective humanitarian and resilience responses led by CSOs and key actors in IsDB conflict-affected and fragile situations in MCs. The event enabled to promote the dialogue for enhancing the resilience and humanitarian crises in the 57 MCs and develop further capacities of CSOs.
The key outcome and recommendations of the two-days’ workshop can be
summarized as follows: (i) promoting partnership at all levels to both cries response and risk mitigation; (ii) investing more in conflict prevention and building resilience than only providing only short term relief assistance; (iii) investing in basic social services, education, health, potable water supply and introducing effective systems to conduct sound risk assessment and crisis prevention; (iv) setting up more platforms of CSOs at OIC level and helping them to obtain the observer status at UN fora; (v) developing effective coordination mechanisms with local and international actors on the ground to avoid duplications; (vi) involving more national CSOs to participate in the humanitarian and crises responses; (vii) diversifying the sources of financing through innovative financing, new mechanism such as crowdfunding, disaster risk financing; and (viii) mainstreaming CSOs in national economic and development plans, programs and policies.
  Enhancing Resilience
Through NGOs & CSOs
in Member Countries

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