Page 11 - Human Development Division
P. 11

International Platforms and Networks
 Resilience at
  Glance / Jan. 2019
   As active strategic partner, the Bank (represented by DG CRS and the HD division) has actively contributed to the Conflict, Fragility and Violence organized by the World Bank in March 2018.
from the audience.
In a nutshell, the panelists concluded that the education has the potential to build six critical skills in young people including:
a. improved sense of belonging;
b. greater appreciation for diversity and tolerance;
c. enhanced critical thinking skills;
d. improved perceptions of learning
environments as being safe and supportive;
e. improved livelihoods; and
f. improved confidence in governments’ ability to deliver social services.
Together, these skills ensure building blocks for social cohesion, reduced violence and development.
IDB approach was mentioned and commended in different panels by Yannick Du Pont, Director of Spark organization who called all other international organizations to follow IDB’s approach in putting the local NGO’s capacity building in their partnership with international organizations.
  The IsDB experts have been panel members in two sessions namely; MENA regional construction and the role of education in peace building and social harmony.
Dr Walid Abdelwahab in his intervention explained the IsDB approach to the MENA reconstruction and highlighted the main interventions in this regard. He emphasized the importance of establishing a MENA Reconstruction Forum to have more focused deliberations and collaborations on the reconstruction needs and approaches of the affected MENA countries, particularly: Iraq, Syrian, Yemen, Libya. He also highlighted the Bank’s participation in previous forums and conferences dedicated for reconstruction of specific countries and recommended to establish a regional forum for policy dialogue and sharing of good practices.
Br. Mohamed A. M. Al-Hadi, also served as a panelist in the USAID organized session “Evidence on the Role of Education in Promoting Peace and Stability”.
The Bank highlighted that investing in education has been at the heart of IsDB mission of restoring human dignity since its establishment, and it invested about 4.6 billion in programs and initiatives targeting the development of education sector in its member countries. IsDB has explained that the IsDB approach is holistic in each of these projects in a way that removes any obstacle that prevents it from fully achieving its objectives.
The Case study presented by IsDB was the Bilingual Education Program which was well-received and generated vivid discussions
WB Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum in Washington

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