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We Serve - Support - Unity - Motivation - Education - Socialization - We Serve

                                            Multiple District 20 ORGANIZATION OF
                                               PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS, Inc.
             Maria Sierra
      300 Fort Washington Ave. - Apt 3E
          New York, NY 10032          MD-20 PDG Leadership Achievement Award
            (212) 781-0074      Program Purpose:
                                      This award was initiated by the MD-20 PDG Organization to encourage
           Kermit C. Mott Jr.         and recognize outstanding examples of leadership by Lions Club members
              PO Box34                ofMD-20.
         Deposit. NY 13754-0034
            (607) 467-4124            Criteria for the Award:
                                      Candidates for the award shall have demonstrated outstanding leadership
      SECOND VICEPRESIDENT            qualities in the following areas:
             Stuart Wizwer            1.Unselfish contributions of time, talent, and resources for the
             P.0. Box 105
            357 Main Street           advancement of Lionism at the Club and/or District level.
          Hurleyville, NY 12747       2. Significant examples of leadership of a Lions Club at the Club and/or
             (845) 798-2152      District level.
                                      3. A sustained period of involvement in Lions Clubs activities (not a one
       THIRD VJCE PRESIDENT           shot deal). While no service minimum has been set for the award, it is
            Mathai Chacko             generally accepted that the winner will have served the organization for
             l Parma Dt'
         Valley Cottage, NY 10989     several years. NOTE: Clubs that wish to honor Lions for specific reasons
            (914) 71:5"8337           or for one specific year have many other award choices at their disposal.         4. Significant accomplishments in service, fundraising, and other major

       SECRETARY/TREASURER            Lions' activities.
             Fred Rieger              5. Involvement in Lions events beyond the Club, such as conference,
            1 Faitway Road            forum, and convention participation.
        Roslyn Harbor, NY 11576
            (516) 729-8695            6. Development of unique approaches to club projects and problem
          FRRieger@verizon,net        solving.

          N   PCC KenButkowski II     Method of Selection:
             JeffJarvis               I. Nominations from clubs in each sub-district are fmwarded to the
          El  ChuckSwitzer
          EZ Harold Bush              selection committee of Past District Governors in their respective
          w  Richard Shaff            ctisbict.
             Richard Bdsee
                                      2. The committee will select a candidate who best meets the criteria for
             Michelle O'HBl'e
          y  Rosemarie Bush           the award. No Lions shall submit bis/her own name. Nominations
             Thomas Skinner           shall be in wiiting on forms provided.
         0    MarkJones
             Ilene Wizwer
          R1 Denn.isHardy             Eligibility:
             MayBelle Twobie
          R2  Norma Mendez-Cruz         All Lions in good standing are eligible, except the current District
             Gustavo Sanchez          Governor, all Past District Governors, all previous award recipients,
          Kl  Audrey Doorn            and all candidates for District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor,
             PCCDeborah Harrison
           K2  NillaLaoci             or 2nd Vice District Governor in the year of the award.
              Sue Piccolo
          s  Steve Espac.h
              Don Stirnweis
             Joan M. Scott
          140 Gailey Hill Road
         Lake Luzeme, NY 12846
            (518) 696-2904
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