Page 31 - MD20 Anniv Journal 2024
P. 31

Brooklyn Crown Heights Lions Club, Inc

                                                 A History of

                                    Dedication and Service

                 Brooklyn Crown Heights has provided the district with some outstanding leaders,
                 including  three  Past  District  Governors  -  PDG  Clement  Hancock  (deceased),
                 PDG Reginald Daniels and PDG D. George Allen (deceased).  During the past
                 forty-eight years, Crown Heights has sponsored nine new clubs.  We were a
                 Model  Club  during  the  Sight  First  II  Campaign,  raising  $30,000  for  LCIF.    We
                 currently have two cottages at VISIONS Camp for the Blind.

                 Our club has donated computers to Trinity United Methodist Church and for many
                 years, our members conducted computer classes for the senior members of the
                 church.  Currently, members conduct monthly technology training classes with
                 seniors at the Phillip Howard Senior Center in Brooklyn.

                 Our service projects include quarterly feedings, an annual Literacy Fiesta, eye
                 glass collection, annual Thanksgiving dinners, providing nursing home patients
                 with gifts for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

                 Outstanding Club Awards:
                 Melvin Jones Fellows - 48    Alexander T Wells - 6    Robert J. Uplinger - 39
                 Cornerstone - 4    International President - 6

                PDG Reginald Daniels                 PDG D. George Allen              Lion Jennifer Seymour Wright,
               elected District Governor             was the third member              the first female from our club
                in 2008-2009 and served              who served as District           to be a candidate for 2nd Vice
                   with distinction                 Governor for 2014-2015             District Governor 2024-2025

                                                              Brooklyn Crown Heights Lions
                                                                          Club Foundation   f
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