Page 45 - MD20 Anniv Journal 2024
P. 45

The Of cers & Members of the

                        Jericho-Brookville Lions Club

                          Join in the celebration of MD-20’s

                                   100   Annual Convention.

                      We are proud to be a  part of over 100

                     years of service and dedication to those

                                                      in need.

                           Lions are “Changing The World ”

                Florence Abanda                 Wendy Greenblatt                Marc Solomon

                Kathleen Bee                    Brian Hayes                     Diane Petillo

                Papiya Begum                    Robert Hoffman                  Terry Petroski

                Fred Brendel                    Zhang Hou                       Ron Petroski

                Azam Burney                     Richard Nicholas                Jonathan Roth

                Sibteh Burney                   Fatema Rahaman                  PCC Andrew Umreiko

                Gregg Cohen                     Eileen Sapraicone               PCC Paula Umreiko
                Cynthia Dwyer                   Paul Sathue                     Dominic Versace

                Ken Greenblatt                  Bradley Schnur
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