Page 91 - MD20 Anniv Journal 2024
P. 91

Eastern Lions Club & Paget Lions Club

              of Bermuda Join With MD-20 and Our Fellow

                Lions Across New York State in Celebrating

                      100 Years of Reaching Out, Sharing &

                                  Serving Our Communities.

                     Where There’s a Need, There’s A Lion.

                                                  “We Serve”

                                    The Family of Caryn Krauss Feldman

                      wishes her all the best as she ascends to DGE this year.
                             We are so proud of your service and dedication

                                      to  your community and to LIONS.

                         Congratulations to all the Lions of New York State on

                              celebrating 100 years of  continued Success!
                                Dad Marvin J. Krauss, PP Patchogue Lions

                                                    Brother Steven

                                                     and children

                                               Troy, Erica and Trevor
                                                      And PETS!
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