Page 21 - Lions Link 12-18
P. 21

 Ice Capades FUNdraising
Lion Nia Mackay Dallas Oak Cliff
The Oak Cliff Lions members, family, and supporters had fun ice skating and dining (or just watched others ice skating) on Friday evening, Nov. 16, 2018. Lion Blue McElroy brought some fun hats from her costumes collection for us to wear. The event started before 7 PM where Lion Linda Hodge who hasn’t ice skated for 20 years, braved the ice, and Lion Alan Schrock, an avid roller skater, skated like a pro-even attempted to out do Anissa MacKay’s ‘layback’ spin!
Four raffle tickets were drawn around 8:30 PM, first prize, a gift basket, donated by Lion Sheryll McKay’s friend, 2nd prize was a $25 gift certificate from Luciano Ristorante and Pizzeria, 3rd prize, and 3rd prize was a $25 gift card from La Micochina, all won by Lions. The grand prize, a 5-week ice skating lesson and free public session from the Galleria Ice Skating Center (valued at over$200),wonbyLionBlueMcElroy,whoalsowonthe2ndprize.
We had so much fun, took lots of pictures under and around the tallest indoor Christmas tree in the world, won prizes and raised funds. All proceed goes to LCI Childhood Cancer program.
(L-R)LionsBobHodge,LindaHodge,Alan Shrock, Blue McElroy, Senada Rustic, (front) Anastasia Semos-Shelton, (behind her) Bob Shelton, (kneel) Mickey MacKay, (behind him) Nia MacKay, Sheryll McKay (behind Nia), and Charlene Vezina.
   Grand Prairie Lions Got Busy
PDG Mark Dean Global Service Coordinator
Grand Prairie Lions have been busy, refurbishing the courtyard at LBJ Learning Academy and the Battered Woman's Shelters in Irving and Grand Prairie. We may not be the largest club in District 2-X1, but we think we have the largest heart. Lions Virginia Lamb, Lion Howard Perry, PDG Skip Johnson, Lion Vanessa Ortega, Dr. Rhonda Brown-Crowder and recruits for a Grand Prairie Leo Club all participated in various ways.

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