Page 51 - 2018-19 District 2-X1 Directory - Preliminary
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Club Dues are billed separately by LCI and District 2-X1, semi-annually in July and January, for prompt payment Semi Annual Annual
Lions Clubs International Dues:
Membership Dues $21.50 $43.00 1
For New Members:
LCI Entrance Fee: $35
LCI Membership Dues: Billed semi-annually
(pro-rated as applicable) 2-X1 District Dues & MD2 Texas State Dues:
  District Administrative Fund District Convention Fund District Hospitality Fund District State Convention Fund MD2 Administrative Fund MD2 Promote Texas Fund
3 MD2 Texas Lions Camp Fund
$4.50 $9.00 $0.65 $1.30 $0.80 $1.60 $0.50 $1.00 $3.50 $7.00 2 $0.25 $0.50 2
$10.50 $21.00 2 $20.70 $41.40
1. LCI membership dues: Exempt for Life Members.
Discounted for eligible members under "Family
Membership" and "Student Membership" programs. 2. MD2 dues of Admin/Promote Texas/TLC Funds: Discounted for eligible members under "Student
Membership" program.
3. MD2 Texas Lions Camp dues may be paid from the
Club's 'Project/Activities A/c' or 'Administrative A/c'
100% Club contributions - to the following District- supported charities ($10 to Texas Lions Camp, $5 to LS&TF and $2 to at least 5 out of the 7 remaining charities) totaling, per year, at least $25 per member based on July 1 membership:
1. Texas Lions Camp $10
2. Lions Sight & Tissue Foundation $5
3. Texas Lions Foundation $2
4. Lions Clubs Int’l Foundation $2
5. Julien C. Hyer Lions Youth Camp $2
6. Leader Dogs for the Blind $2
7. World Services for the Blind $2
8. New Horizon Diabetic Day Camp $2
9. Sports Extravaganza

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