Page 52 - 2018-19 District 2-X1 Directory - Preliminary
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Clubs that excel in community service, membership growth, communication and organizational management may qualify for the prestigious Club Excellence Award from LCI. Clubs receive a distinguished banner-patch to proudly display on their banner and the club president receives a Club Excellence Pin to proudly recognize his outstanding leadership.
To qualify the club must be chartered 6 or more months prior June 30, 2019, further the objectives of the association, adhere to the association's constitution, by- laws and policies, and meet all of the requirements noted below during the fiscal year:
1 - Club in good standing: International per capita taxes and new member entrance fees are paid in full and there is no outstanding balance of US$50 or more that is ninety (90) days or more past due.
2 - Service: The club has conducted at least 3 service projects (to be described).
3 - The Club has made a contribution to LCIF.
4 - Membership: The club achieved a net growth in membership or sponsored a new club or branch. The new members attended an orientation and were properly inducted into the Lions Club.
5 - Communication: The club has publicized the club's service activities to the public through local media and effectively communicated activities to club members.
6 - Leadership Development: All officer positions were filled in accordance with the constitution and bylaws by qualified Lions, the club was represented at zone meetings & a majority of the club officers participated in a leadership training program. The training program could be offered at the zone, district, multiple district or International level. On-line courses from the Lions Learning Center, participation in a Club Excellence Process (CEP) Workshop or completion of the Certified Guiding Lion course count toward the award.
7 - Club Activity: The club has hosted regular and meaningful club meetings and submitted the monthly membership report, the Service Activity Report, and the Club Officer Report (PU-101) in a timely manner. The completed DA-1 Form (signed by 2018-19 club president and district governor) must be mailed to the English Language Dept. at LCI HQ, or faxed to arrive by