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Global Leadership Team
Well, it’s the start of a New Lion Year. As I write this I am at my first LCI Convention. A cool experience with a lot of short classes available to motivate and help the
attendees be better and more successful Lions. Learning how to better serve is an important part of being a Lion.
A BIG “Thank you” to those District Lions who attended Lion 2-X1 University on June 9th. And a special “Thank you” to the 15 faculty and my GLT committee members who helped make the 7th Lions 2-X1 University happen!
I hope that each attendee learned a lot and had a fun, interesting and motivational day. Without your attendance, the GLT’s preparation and efforts would have been of no consequence. The work of the GLT Committee is entirely directed to supporting and helping our district Lions and Lion leaders be better leaders so their clubs can have a more successful year of service.
I received some positive comments about the new format. But there were only 98 in attendance representing only 29 of our 58 district clubs. Of those clubs only 15 clubs had
more than 1 or 2 attendees. We were missing a lot of new club officers, newly
inducted Lions and developing leaders who would have been better prepared for this
year of service and club leadership had they attended.
Lions University 2019: Next year, LU will not be in early June due to such a poor turnout. We have decided to move the training event to August in the hope that new club officers will then be ready for assistance and training in performing their new roles. As Lions, our goal is Service. To best accomplish that service, we need to be prepared. District 2-X1 Lions, have a great and successful Lion year.
You may contact me directly if your club needs help with training during this year.
Global Membership Team
214-274-4490 (c)
972-462-1590 (h)
Fred Conger Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
The Global Membership Team will focus on membership retention, membership growth, and adding young adults. Let’s reach out to our community youth organizations asking them to join our clubs. We can adopt a young person help pay their dues and receive new ideas to carry our association another hundred years.
We will have Membership training in different area of the District this year. The Global Membership team will let you know the dates, times and locations.
Henry White Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
I would like to thank each club for helping me this last Lion’s year. Working with you has been a great and rewarding experience. Lion Mary and I have enjoyed the visits with each of your clubs.
We have chartered two New Clubs, one Branch, and five Leo clubs in the last Lions year. We had 77% of our clubs with service project.
As I begin a new chapter in the District helping District Governor Keith as the Global Membership Coordinator, I want to ask you to be sure to designate your club’s membership person and have your secretary report them to Lions Clubs International. Please include the email, address, and phone number of the person so we can communicate with them on how to improve club growth.