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By April 15 all clubs should have their officers elected and in place. PU-101 needs to be filed with the LCI. The newly elected club officers must plan on attending the Lion’s University on June 8 at Brookhaven College, for training workshops. This will help the incoming officers perform the responsibilities effectively and help accomplish the club and district goals. Our district convention is scheduled for April 26, 27. All Lions are invited to attend this event and make it a success. This is a good opportunity to meet Lion’s from the district and renew friendships. Grass Roots Lion award banquet is on Saturday
April 27, so please honor your Lion member, who has been there for 5 years or less and has embraced Lionism by serving the community. The 4th cabinet meeting last week was well attended and a success. Thanks to Dallas Filipino Lions and Dallas Everest Lions for hosting.
April is Environmental awareness month with April 22 as Earth Day. Clubs are encouraged to plan an environmental activity this month from planting trees, recycling or cleanup of parks, etc. The district membership is positive +27 members and fourth in the state. If we keep the drops down during the last three months, we could be #1 in the state. Kudos to all 53 clubs that have reported service activities.
Billy's Broadcast
1VDG Vinod Mathur
  How important is your service as a Lion to you? Do you want to do the best job you can for your community and your fellow club members? I believe one of the best ways to accomplish that is to become a trained Lion. District 2-X1 Lions University offers you that solution in an easy one-day set of courses. Please see the form in this edition of the Lions Link and sign up for and attend the sessions you need and your Club needs from you. I feel every Club Officer must be trained each year in their Officer role. The world of Lions is constantly changing and you as a Club Officer or a Club Member not presently in
 a Club Officer role needs to be exposed each year to training. It helps you better meet all the needs we are called on to do as Lions. Please register, attend, and commit to learning at District 2-X1 Lions University.
2VDG Billy Ketner
 VOLUME 29 ISSUE 10 / APRIL 2019

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