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Clubs - Save the date!
June 8, 2019 – Lions 2-X1 University
Brookhaven College – 3939 Valley View Ln Farmers Branch, TX Note this new location!
Lions 2-X1 University provides incoming club officers with the training and information they need to have a successful Lion year. It also provides New Lions and your club’s upcoming leaders with an opportunity to learn and grow in Lion knowledge and to
prepare for future leadership. If your club’s administrative finances allow, it’s suggested that the club cover the registration fee for attendees. The $30 fee covers breakfast, lunch and course material and the classes. Newly Chartered clubs should make certain their officers attend. Registration forms are available on line at and at the District Convention.(see page 41)
Membership Chair/Team Training
This training has been postponed due to a date conflict with district picnic which will be held in Wylie on May 11th. It will be rescheduled to a Saturday shortly after the start of the new Lion year (July 1, 2019).
Why attend Membership Chair/Team training?
Because every club loses members for various reasons. Membership Chair/Team training helps clubs remain viable and increase their community service. This can only happen by learning how to recruit new members to replace drops and by increasing your membership. All club Membership Chairs and committee members and even club Presidents should attend.
(continued page 17)
Global Membership Team
Global Leadership Team
           Fred Conger Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
   I want to thank PDG/GMT Arthur Drouin for his remarks at our 4th Cabinet Meeting. We are 4nd in the State in membership increase this year as of today. We are only up by 27 members for the year. We had one club the DG tells me that 13 members were deleted by one club. Two months ago a club dropped 18 members, so we must stop the drops.
Please take a look at the dues your club assess each member and how the club Treasurer Invoices each member.
So proud of Zone 2, all clubs in the zone are working togrther on a zone project.
Some clubs feel they must pay Lions International six months dues if they add members before July, thats not ture. International prorates dues. Please check with your Zone Chair and your club membership chair.
Our GAT Area Leader GMT Greg Gilliam has a special collector’s pin for every Lion that brings in a new Lion but only for the first 1000 members. All you have to do is ask! Ask someone to join, get their membership form completed and have them pay their $35 entrance fee and dues. Send PDG Greg an email confirming your new Lion membership number, your sponsorship, club number and district number. Your Pin will be in the mail to you. It”s that simple. Don’t wait to ask, ask someone today. PDG Greg email Only the first 1000 Lions will receive
the collector’s pin.
  Henry White Global Leadership Team District Coordinator
 VOLUME 29 ISSUE 10 / APRIL 2019

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