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Lions Saves Lives
PPG Wayne Meachum
At the Ninetieth Celebration of The Oak Cliff Lions Club on April 24, which was also Past Presidents’ Day, the highlight of the celebration was the presentation of the Lions Recognition Award to Lion Charlie Tupper and the International President’s Award to his daughter, Abigail.
Last December, Lions Charlie and Abigail were delivering Meals-On-Wheels on their regular route as members of the Oak Cliff Lions Club Meals-On-Wheels Committee. When they knocked on the apartment door of an elderly gentleman who had been a regular client for many years, they were told to “just leave it on the door.” That was an unusual response, but Lions Charlie and Abigail complied and continued with their deliveries. However, Lion Charlie’s concern grew as he completed the rest of that day’s deliveries.
When the deliveries were complete, Lion Charlie decided to return to the gentleman’s apartment and, again, knocked on the door and made inquiries as to the condition of the client within. Finally, the client responded, “I think I need help.” Lions Charlie and Abigail went immediately to the Manager’s Office, got the manager to come to the apartment and open the door. Inside, they found the elderly man trapped on the floor where he had been for over two days unable to get up. He had been without food or water for over two days, unable to reach his medication or get to his phone to call for help. Emergency Medical Services were called and the client’s life was saved.
 In response to the life-saving actions of Lions Charlie and Abigail, the International President awarded the Lions Recognition Award to Lion Charlie and the International President’s Award to Lion Abigail. The Lions Recognition Award was created in 2010 and is given to “Lions who distinguished themselves in a disaster relief effort, lifesaving endeavor, or a service activity otherwise deemed appropriate by the International President.” The International President is authorized to award a maximum of 75 such awards a year worldwide. Lion Charlie is the first Lion in MD-2, State of Texas, to receive the Lions Recognition Award.
It should be noted that Lions who deliver Meals-On- Wheels save lives everyday by providing nourishing meals to people in need. The Meals-On-Wheels program provided by the Visiting Nurses Association is a vital service that is supported by numerous Lions.
Congratulations to Lions Charlie and Abigail and thank you for your outstanding service.
Center PDG Wayne Meachun and Lion Charlie Tupper, Lion Diana Ezell in the background
  VOLUME 29 ISSUE 11 / MAY 2019 PAGE 21

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