Page 75 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 75

 jlj, (the extra C is for 'craz/) /Movies with (5^, all/ Thanks to the family, especially you
good luck next year. M.B.: Bruno's, pumpkins B.F.- the tandem will never seize to exist, stage crew .. startinglineups,whyistherecaution tape in the stairwell? (oh well the tradition must go on 1,2,, don't sit here. Good luck next year! C.V.- prom, glad we stayed friends, good luck next year. Banta-you are a lucky kid, tennis and soccer, ad- budubda, or something like that. To my peer kids- good luck guys. C.M., J.B., B.B. C.B., T.W. and 3JL's- pri­ mates! Last but certainly not least; thanks to my whole family: mom, dad, Joey, chipper, grandparents, and cousins. You guys proved to be the most caring, loving, and thoughtful family anyone could ask for: I am blessed to have you guys.
Tenth grade chemistry doing commer­ cials with Chris and Decjz, failing the class, latin - still a dead languge. barely made it through the year and proud of that D- in chem. Chad slowly warping my mind untill 1 too could make Chris freak out, saying things that made him run out the room: What else? Ah yes Esl over the summer fi­ nally getting paid after two summers, F'lar you have arrived, was this the year with that mexican girl? ... no that was the year before, forget I men­
me. Maybe we should stop Joyriding now, ***one later*** maybe not's a good time ... ***another hour later*** okay lets get to work ***half hour later*** But we passed. So Sidd you enjoy those two extra week in India? Lets see was the taco bell cowboy this year or last? me and Fiirav good bye mister cowboy (we cracked up on the way home). Homecoming night. I'm serious I honestly thought it was my car, really, at least the damage was minimal. Next day, still on the tree pro­ ject, Erin B. Just won't let me live it down. I didn't get to my peer kids, hey guys remember me? See ya Sara, Sam, Steph, Mario, Alex, and Matt & Caroline. And 1didn't forget about you Muri, feel better.
WHAT'S UP BRO? Mozo-Just chillin ... wrangler ... black magic .. let's go to the park Rfoods ., seaside-Reamy girls ... What's Up .. hanging out late with you and your brother at the rainforest .. midnight bowling .. T.S.+J.M.. Chil­ lin with Brazillans-BIQQEY.. near death experience.. REGULATOR... MBA JAMS
.. Ski Trip.. Walmart and Tommy Hil- Figer.. Jay have fun in college and keep in touch. Your a good friend. PEACE!!! DAMMY-You alright Bro .. Ter­ race .. Stud-9 W.H. girls ... winter vaca­ tion bowling .. FavoFs house playsta­ tion .. Whitecastle .. my obsession- Copa .. Nicole-.. Tempo-WORST DRIVER ..Football-2 Toughest corners in the state, repeat ... Baseball-Mont- gomery, this year a Championship .. Florida -you and Mozo-32 oz.. Good luck in Football alll-state quarterback and baseball. Have fun and will keep in touch. Peace!!!!! RENT-Buby baby . Freshmen year was good ... Nov 17... chicken soup .. Chun Le Palace-Duck
.. Peter Lugars .. Babysitting .. Silver beach .. Infinity times 100 ... all those movies we watched at your house .. Ski tri-Wendy's ... Gap and Tommy Hil-
mom, and you too Rish, 1 both,thanksforbeingthere.
love you
thirteen years produce so memories and so many friendships, sorry not all of them are here. Pekz- Late night hoops, getting dissed by Jimmie J., Jason R. and the Mavs, we should of went to the nets locker- 0 0 m, "Cheers to that Fellows", Champs, suspicious minds, hey little girl ... mattie-good luck in whatever you do R.l.T Jessie: ODP, 1am still confused, LBI, so many memories, if u ever need anythin just give me a call. R.l.T. Mozo-co-capt, soccer was
i- awesome even though JB was never t' seen, thanks for all the laughs. SBW \[e(„ thanks for everything, sailing, ski­ is: bobbing, your smile is like a spring i: sun rise to a wary man's eyes. KIT.
mis Skidd- bowling at Qarwood-"young mot' man what are you doing, this is a party? Ah, Uh ... i thought this was a ..." lets get out of here!, late night ieac. drives home, LBI ... Lybeck: please
e.#: remember what i said- Route 1 u- turn. Rich- latin, Swedish cards, the rumble is still on. Pkidd- LBI, you smell like oranges, watch out for the curb, bowling! M.L. - good luck at Princeton, superjack, B.A.M. Christ­
tioned her. next up
Joys I had that year, sitting the chairs
right before the library half the day, couch club includes Me, Chris F., Degz, nicki Sulls and Donald P. Half a year goes by and lo and behold we pass the first semester halleluhah, January rolls around and we get a new addition to the class by the name of Siddarth Chandler, Heed a ride home Sidd? Just today?, sure its no prob­ lem. I got liscence, you want to where? 1don't think I have enough gas, well okay lets go. Hey it's time for Finals Sidd, Chris wanna study for history to­ gether, bring your books besides I have a plan, and 1 would put in the dit dits but Doc would come looking for
» ' mas caroling. Ring-peer leadership, )llr don't worry i will take care of your 5C Sprite, health class .. thanks for ev­ 0- erything and good luck. Q.K.- sneak eI ' a peak (you can't resist) peer leader­ lot ship, Ferraro's, T.V.! P.S.-sleepers. a(to Lee- Loews, whaler, ultimate frss-
bee. R.A.- flybys (sorry for the late 150 ones), Millwood, slider and goose, jdt Elvis is Ring. S.M.- good luck and
Just try to be happy. D.J.-WH man­ jif-' ager or Westfield's. A.H.-$20, Mrs.
Rittz. Degz: glad to know you better, art class was fun, how is my sinker. You are big, linemen get no credit. M.L. - MYC, quad runners, rockets ..
th grade, oh the

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