Page 77 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 77
Tie(inlost (East Rutherford) Whitney-Hey! Mice white pants and halter top Ap- plebee's, Snapple Bowl. Stefanie- You guys are always ganging up on
ith me. We're not going there because Iieadirremember Cranford. The more the 97F.J merrier! Mo we are not going to that igejec movie because I'll be the only per fOUfi son in the movie theater. Keep your UliS acting up! Allison-Ashley stop that, ouc it's not very becoming. Allison's do
ing laundry. 1 wasn't going to wear
that flower shirt underneath that re» dress. You guys have the weirdest Dili friendship (Marissa O.) Allison stop I i)t signing. You almost killed Whitney Oil3' when you didn't see that stop sign. kk Don't you think that outfit is a little id"(t bright, (lime green skort). Hey Kha- leM lid!- Why are you always complain .Kelt ing? I just want to say what's up to rota all my peer kids, BE, HD, DC, Q, LB,
tet JS,JV,KM,SS,QJ,RC,andJD. ous-
Well, it's over. It's finally over! S.C. LCC in da house-! -Oh the quickness!- mental picture, spandex- Applebee's and the birthday ... E.F. the sexy man- ya wanna here a story?-the old married couple!- I'm your brother. Just ask your mom. -Mrs. F. Win the lottery for me! ... E.H. Where's Seth?-the plat forms are comfortable- the divorced married couple- I hate your hair-love
your hands ... L.R. "tastes like
ties ... Hey anony, are your teeth sweating?-your a dumb, nevermind. The Saint- I'm gonna break you ... Hey Everybody! I'm bored M.K.- You Broke My Ring! ... L.F. That's beyond funny! ... J.M. "Mrs. Field's Cookies" ... J.B. Hey look there's a fly! ... F.B. Hey, Flar don't we have Astronomy? ... vel cro wall ... S.C. "Fielder rocks the ca-
bah!"- !... D.D. Jan. 10- "pick it up"- 'The Parrot" ... H.S. "GOLF, GOLF, GOLF!"- Hey Hick, at least we know the brakes work! ... "Austin, that's you in a nutshell! Ho, this is me in a nutshell. Help I'm in a nutshell! What sort of nut shell is this?" ... A special thanx to ev erybody that has ever helped me out in any situation. Especially my parents! Hey shortstuff! carry on the fielder tra dition of being annoying and trying to make everybody's life harder!
Wanna bumble with the Bee, huh? Bzz! Whafs up D period study hall es pecially CL roller racers in 1st grade Shera collectibles latkes my first guy friend B.B $20 bets Mrs. Ritz's class EH I think you embarrass cars beutiti- cian Soul Train JA Volleyball Ho Doubt SK PL instigator 1never dissed you GK Oh dear cousin is here! PR does JM
still like me what did I wear to the th
grade dance and 7th grade concert you are GQ and you can do better Love ya SW thanks for listening! AB I never make fun of you ML your dress is so much better than mine Miss Kim's the psycho cabin at Frost Valley HR 1 hot guy LP-SJ MD on a leash Avischeck Darwin To my homies re member the diner weiner schnitzel clubbing w/our outfits I love you guys and I'll miss you so much WAR whafs up beeyotch you make a great cheesy girl in your white pants miniature golf ing w/ID and BF Seniorita on Puffy CD in your car, I gotta get you a weave girl Camille SR what the dealy Ivory! You're the bad driver Plainfield post office curly tendrils velvet underwear Mike and his friends you gotta eat some soul food and find out what col- lard greens and rice and gravy are JM
wing remember the shore w/Evan I'm gonna hook you 2 up late night ren- dez-vous w/big headed people Ash ley's gonna miss you. Mr. Gould never throw away another piece of chalk and thanks for everything JMc blue derbys a little elbow grease RC track bus PB kiss my mother GJ 1rode my bike to your house whafs up peer kids Volley ball Ugh! Cheerleaders roll call BdB PB LM JV crazy girl BF SS JC JD lil' sis AM AP Shout out to everyone! Mommy Daddy Ashley 1love you Ashley don't get any taller Goodbye W-H I'll miss you all. I'm out.
1have that w-h feeling, I really do, lets hide. Lets remember the times ... laughing till we couldn't stop, sleep overs, our own rules for b-ball, our en- vironmental lap around the mall, movie day, Dave, Todd Matt what would our life be like now that they left us along but everything looks better after bread, those guys in VS what did they try stuff on, ugly guys in the mall with those lame leatherJackets, R, Chi nese fire drills late at night getting
like burri- tos! ... H.J. I own you bits! Where's my money? ... J.Q. the couch!- 45 min of sleep and I still won!- after semi activi
chicken!" -which leg first
you are the best,
sions great bangs in 3rd grade halter top was a good choice "climb every mountain" ROR great bangs AD whafs up what's up whafs up what's up what's up woo woo psyche lemme stop hey Slim dancing w/a chicken
th grade b.r. ses
killed, speed bumps so
up, crashing the ms dance waiting for people, only paying half for things, trips to the b-room, the guys knowing more of the songs, old married cou ples, Greece?! seeing too much, shower cap? singing really bad 80s songs, that thing your father said, to many Fights, fat days, clubbing, that night when we were not doing well and
drove home, the assured noncalling agreement, the pizza order, paras oh what fun .. spencer enough said, surf ing w/jt, going out to party every night, wakening up in the bathroom too much stuff on sat, taking on the world, atlas=maps. Jeopardy history teach ers? here's my lab, stop embarrassing the car, sole train, take me to the nest wb oh don't ask why oh don't ask why, ice skating dances, those hockey games, the stop sign in HC, XL 140. 1 beach connection ... water runs dry, new years, Mario brothers, punching it out, oldies, they're at a bar, throwing rocks .. cupcakes .. kicking for good
am to speed