Page 78 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 78

 luck. We falling, e-mails, dd phone calls. Are 6 hours. The Auntie suzzie. E-mail stalkers, the cards, dancing, badhairboys, surf ninjas, the surprise b-day at W-H, mission impossible down the hall ways, hide and seek? the cart, free deserts, fair guy, road trip, driving home from work, snowball fights, blueberry yogurt? stories, 1 0 th period, us camping, ghosts, nd and singing all the way down, only speak english, fainting, bonojorno, sephora, shopping, $600 later, calling for $, our lunch dates, hand me another. Thanks Mom, Dad, Mare, and Bill for always
being there.
FirtALLY ... thought it would never end ... but 1MADE IT! From day one WR al­ ways there keeping alive the crazy sto­ ries, Jason bashing sessions at lunch along with cutting off "hairs" at the ta­ ble, waste out the Buntings window and being in the garage at the wrong time! Qirls tennis rocked senior year, no more tantrums on the court. ML
what did I tell you? 15-3 baby .. BRING IT! Chocolate power bars. Ten­ nis ball implants, harrassing each other, the hugs when we won! Jess M and Katie Pop, what? Look guys, it's Keith! MS tennis hitting partners to physics partners, with PB-beans and beef. Now for my boys ... Qeorgy(aka Tommy Hil), How's the hair? Ricecakes - Plainfield, one way street-NYC, 311 concert mosh pitt, baby! Seaside, MIA till 4:30 am (KA, EM, MW, QD, DD), Where's Tarta? Jay, my awsome multi- personalities. Dressing up to fool you, uni-brow, black light room ... shhh! Heavy metal, "little witch, little witch." JP, who makes a better cou­ ple? Keep lifting, 10 yrs I'll out bench
you! Baby oil works best. CL .. two words .. Peter Butter, kinda burns the mouth, ! Now for my bestest girls ... KAREN, 8 8 , summer of '97 rocked, 43's-Lubriderm, night swimming, Ron's our boy. I'll never get sick of you. Foxy, thank goodness for maccabi
games, what would I do without you? Pyramid - "Check out that trainer, you dont think I could get him!" Eddie- I have one that I push to the middle. MICHELLE, do we know them behind us? Lets wave! George fell asleep .. again. Its nice when the dad's follow US trick or treating, lashes-glueing your eyes together, 1500 is the high­ est you can get, NYC weekends, crazy taxi, man! Karen Dina .. Money well spent at Lucky Cheng's.., "she's the wild one!" havent you ever watched the news,! Look, the Spice girls! KEITH, my honey, thank god I was lazy at the gym and your job as trainer was bor­ ing, Thanks for being you, just wait. I'll be slammin', 143-I'II miss you! Deavid and Deana, we love each other, your the best brother, I am so proud of you, dootz is so cute! Mom and Dad, your the best. Thanks for EVERYTHING, I am today who I am, because of you!
C.L.-, meatball. My Sharona. J.M.-Wal- mart. New Years, ski trip lift, tred- mill, Wendy's: 1never did it, who's your daddy? D.J.-Se ... chocolate, Driz, Jin­ gle Ball, meatball, ark & bowl. Bun­ tings, Matt & Dylan, tredmill, skunk, doubles. NewYears Ha Ha! G.D.-shore, 17th, bubebaby, ski trip, Wendys: It wasn't me. Buntings, Halloween party. New Years, bikes, summer of 96, fall play, infinity, pool, duck, 49ers I'll never forget you. K.M.-doubles part­ ner, you're a girl with a temper, but 1 love it. B.F.-29th, attic, basement, lan­ guage lab, pool, bowcraft, Applebees, front yard, park. Buntings, 20 sec., tree with dog, prom, infamous scream, total, concert. A.B.-Micheal Jackson,
just cause, d.l., fried chicken, base­ ment, car, coffeehouse, 7 Days, roof, Applebees, who's supplying? I'm glad you came. To my girls! Itty Bitty T ... A.D.-attitude, park w/shooting, club- ing, Snapplebowl, Applebees, she's just frustrated cause ..., weinershnit- zel w/..., concert. J.M.-club nice shirt, prom, hood of car, nice sharing se­
crets on P.L. Trip. A.H.-Hey ska.., catti union boys, clubing bowcraft, Snap­ plebowl, nice sharing clothes, desig­ best nated driver & stop sign, concert, dad white weave. S.R.-so many good than times, not enough room basement, at­
tic, infamous scream, duo, Miami, Nantucket, Joe&Paul, concerts. Wash. Rock, fogged windows, NYU, pure isle playa, love jones, video, ribsw/G.D. fir myf M.B., driving illegally, roof. Rent, Bun­ tings, NYC, egging, ... thanks for all 'seci the great memories love ya! BFF, so f M.M.-thanksforthefood,shhw/myse­ simp crets, I love ya like a brother. Peer poss kids-Good luck throughout H.S. you socci
are all great. Ashley-Keep away from wooc
the boys, you're the best I love you. II
Mom & Dad-Thanks for everything, tieal
love you both, and miss you a bunch man
next year!
think braw na-fn othei
miss cooK witir KD-q coofc fras; the p
Parkf zoow thisv
These dit-dits be mine: wut? over al­
ready. so many memories, so little
space, latin buddies hr sk fellow
dropouts ml bb and then there was
leeeeeee. best class w/ cookie, tests,
smoooooth. punishing puns, too far.
spit resevoirs. summa baby! hr-sorry
it took till this year, better late than
never, good luck at dravrah. bb-lbi.
bmw. gam. amy. any more 31etter
BB terms? soccer loves bb, esp vaa-
sity coaches, leeee. that's not fayah,
home, speech, ml-machtin deutsch chocolate la yogurt my fav. el- Ly- sacks. pils. a-tsui! jm-lst luv. mag­ nolia. b-day u didn't come, ritalian night
he got more collad greens! rides myee
ice. ah-patterson. "doofus stoopid."
french caiss, i can admit when i am
wrong, sbw-walking home Fri musi­
cal. biology notes, walkin the clouds,
semi-formal was fun. mjl- we are ti­
tiy s
hly,n lostt nooo gradf
gers. studyhalls. dairy queen w/ throu
paige. same classes, swimming, mattress, bagel chateau. 4 more un­ forgettable years left. Peks and me making Ayell sandwich, good luckjr. jen don't miss en­ glish anymore, nauyocks-don't un­ derestimate yourself. AYM and de- eiyth
ment naire
so m thanl and I ben

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