Page 80 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 80
agree we need a break!! Beth-that un forgettable parents weekend at RWU!! Thanx for being there whenever I need ya! I love you! W.K.- our interesting chats in the senior lounge, our long talks about our love lives! Double Q
These things are meant to be cryptic ...R.A: memorized yearbook, Ris- han-Rishan Agarropal, "Quess what, my grandmother died," Moghul's, 40? MB: Simpsons (1 think he's talk ing to you), ... 1 just wanted to lick'um *screech*,____willow, mid night bee, TCD drumming fiend, right right right? BB: hey what's up, whaddyadoin', beach house, Italian Stallion, NYC, Pavoratti no-show, was a conspiracy. SC: psycho ..., sorry I don't have an extra pen, music buff. DD: Munzie almost croaking in Har- rod's, throwing coins out the hotel window. DJ: art in the lounge, ari- zona, the Sports Authority. OR: lounge signs, harassing JZ, game, symbiotic lifeform. WR: great person ality, graphic PL discussions. PR: Princeton Tigers, tiooooah! Chem project -I- La Yogurt, groovy decath lon chicks, lost shoe at Cape Cod, rhymes with felony. SR: actually-, h e coined "Men's Club for Men," music to Myst, treadmarks in the grass, those tasty White Castle burgers, O My Brother. ML: aka goddess, safari costume -t- big glasses, peer leader ship, good luck at Princeton! EL: God, and in front of my mother!, mountain dew, future directorAvrit- er/musician. JM: best "walking down stairs/escalator" impression I ever saw, flower drawings, quadruple back flip with a twist. JM: Mowz-ow! Brazil, bicycle kick, author-How to Improve Your SAT Score SN: Uh, I don't know, ninja skills to protect the unauthorized experiment, life, late nights on IRC, pizza every Friday. LP: Eaglescouts, Aw man, that was the thing ever! don't be nervous, citizen
ship, FSOL, vintage vinyl. Hallo Lee- pachia howah you? MP: innuendo guy, here come dee goodies, $15, la clase de espanol. HR:, where's my pen (Hadooken!). Haaarvud, Hair Like Fire will make it big, PS: paint ball (poor innocent goose). Mister Qyould! Parthenon, Parth Vader,. SBW: ID4 -t- other movies, Charlie Brown's, sweet sixteen. JZ: youso- mean, physics -I- economics class. JoMBey: 1know your phone number, what does the "E" stand for, techno -I- star trek, sharp pains. Thanks Mom for being so patient and strong. We made it through the hard times. Goodbye Wardlaw-Hartridge - you've been wonderful!
"It's time to go. It's time to say good
bye. really thought that this may never end." One of the greatest lines ever sung in chorus. Goes to show we sang. - DR. BURRENHIEMER: Homework! Physics - Astro- PHYSIC- SlI ... Arm Wrestling Bonks never gives up. I missed the planets, the moon rocks and the TELEVISION! Movie Links You're the best teacher brother. RESTEEVS: funniest guy outside the senior class! Mr. Gilmer - Link Deas - "Rich meets Link" You'll be acting in my movies someday. Good Luck with Film Club next year my man. HOOSH: You always take it to far, but you're funny otherwise. Thanks for that free movie pass that one day. Rich Dimension: Part 4 - how didn't you laugh on that scene. Have fun with Restivo next year in the play. AVI - take care of Link Deas for me. MOZO- "I'm takin' hits bro!" I told you it would go in the dits dits. You're hilarious brother. BONR — You know we love ya big guy. Scuba license. Perfect parellel park. Relax. We're just messing around. LESSMl- ESTER — You are the computer mas ter. Thanks for the camera junior year even though it was German.
PeaceLEE-takeiteasy."I'msoner getli'
vous" I hate swimming and you love yello’
it. Thanks for the rides home. Tenth chat
grade: I can't believe we spent so huh?
much time with Josh Moesch. MUH- frient
ISH: you are the general. Awesome it’shi
ness on the drums, you look like a terth
caveman with bones. Funny faces. pcu/
TCD!!! We're going to miss you, but bridg
keepintouchwhenyou'readoctor,I lunch
might need some prescriptions. rug-y
RICH: Mood swing king. Too many such
memories to put in here. We annoy grind,
each other a lot, but 1 keep coming ble, (
back for more. Blake the snake. glad
Chem. Music AP E.T. New Years some
1997. Rich Dimension. "You ain't
bad."Ihopeyoulikedthesummerof Game
97 because I didn't. TCD. We're go thank
ingtobefamoussomeday.Goingto froth?
havetolookforadrummer.We'llbe caboc
seeing each other. P.S. SRIDD -you Qerali
are the only guy with the same sense ■yers
as me. Why worry? Whatever hap remet
pens happens. Feeling some FX? Henry
Petey boy and Rich cutthroat. Pete's
Princetoncelebration!Hopeyou ourLI
hang around till after college, bro dreaii
(haha,bro).Youandmearegoingto board
be connected for our lives. CJ -you dippy
don't go to the school, so you proba you're
bly won't read this. But I've got more phone
memories with you than with every missy
one else combined. You know. "Oh thatri
no!"W.H. I'm going to miss you. listenii funy,
MMmMM you've tour yi wasir
the e games
I can't believe it-13 years of Wardlaw andtr comingtoaclose...Sirrah-whatwould chats, I have done without u? I'm so glad Plentif we've become such great friends this
year -get off my wavelength!, conspir lor2, acy, big mistake-HUGE, my brat, your I'laivi brat, greek drama/choms counseling, YOUa piggyback ... I luv you-you're the best! %hi Allison-we've been through it all to- andp