Page 79 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 79

 ^cathlon are the best. Ill miss you all, never forget you. bro- you are my best friend most of the time, mom/
' dad thanks for everything, w-h %«me: thanks for the memories.
1 can't believe this is it, 13 years ... J.M., Joe Mayo, dippy dice, "but mom ... he was a Junk', frie trenches, A.H., Miss Rim's, teacher's helpers, Vour dress is prettier than mine!', S.R., rice krispie treats, what was it 2 hours?, Geoff!, S.W., Westfield and Cranford nights, pre-Musical afternoon, flirting with Pete, riding in the car with Geoff, Sweet 16, carolling, P.K., Princeton! French, Law and Gov., swimming, mmmm, nice boys do get nice girls. Clowns, the musicals and our Friday afternoon, you are such a kiss-up but you'll succeed in everything you do, thanks for being such a great friend, S.K. +H.R., thanks for always making me feel like a goddess! E.L., PCC, TCD, what fun we've had for 16 years, R.A., RAM, Avishek, Rastl's Rrusade, Locker wars, ER, e-mail, 40!-I knew,
B.B., you've been the sweetest for 13 years, L.P., swimming, lOObk- don't worry 1get nervous too, S.M., it all be­ gan with a note in chorus, altos rule, 90210, Eryn, you are my phsycologist, boy trouble, Jeff ... will you ever forget him, perfect hair and perfect chests, dresses and drawings, M.S., tennis, hot chocolate, we were the only ones who took it seriously, apples, you al­ ways copy me, D.J. did you Just throw him in your pool? tennis traumas, doubles, softball with DJ- go syke WHl, chocolate power bars, K.M. swimming, Olympic champions ... and we'll sing the anthem too, early mornings in a dark locker room. Coco Beach, LW, JD, AM, SP, ME, DS, EM, SL: you guys were great, best of luck in the future, J.H., oh my Jonny where to begin, so
erlasting love', our spot, the tennis courts, 4 more years, 1love you forever and I'm not afraid to say it. /Vmanda, you've got some tough shoes to fill, but I don't doubt that you'll do it. Best of luck, if you ever need me I'll always be there. Mom and Dad, 1can't thank you enough for all the support and ev­ ery oppurtunity you have given me. Thanks, 1 love you. And of course thank you Wardlaw, for 13 years you've been my home, and forever you'll be in
my heart.
0, V
:rt5; iSli'if
'3; so funny, where are our emotions, Simpsons, me fail english, that's un­ possible, overfiend caravan; Babonk-
1N.S, soccer yellowizard, chillin in LBI, gar- aW' wood lanes, hot waitress, cold basket­ licit. ballinthedark;ML-mmm...whitecas­
tle at 2 am, the wall til morning, ger­ man frisbee master; Naux-cheer up
thinktank, math and senior lounge brawls, sarcasm mentor; Leepaxroma- na-freeze! uh, can't we do this some other way, monty-t-cart offroad, oopsa,
t?oie warhol, grubah. Oh, my droogies. I'll
),S miss you guys and our table. JA-howsit
cookingoodlookin; FB-pl mems, keep writing; sid-lounge wrestling champ; KD-queen of cuteness; AD smile; CF
IS,Iff cookies, soccaskills; AH pi, luv u sasa- fras; EH physix homework; DJ doris is the play; QK sorry bout jai comment; WK 1really am; ML goddess, singing at Parkers; JM your so meean/sweet; Mo- zoow! munchies sign; MP I thought this was uh; LR thanx for saying hi; SR myee eithah; PS instant sharma agree­ ment backout; NS wrestler extraordi­ naire; SW red light, meg master; JZ takeitlike it. To my partners in chemis­ try spritzer crime; Lyyybeck! richess nights, plainfield/collision, jazz ensem- bly, newbrunswick wanderings, 3 hour lost trek w/cj, newark, nooolluv group,
nooo! bottlerocket kafka; Ftichen! grade shower chants, musicap demo, monty offroad, creotinehuh, laughing through every concert, blind dates u meantheyweren'tmarried,outsideof the foot genius, coffeeshop, allstate,; so many memories; To my teachers- thankyou; to my peerkids-good luck and keep talking; Sweetey Petey - it's been a long time and I love you very much; Mom, Dad, Jas -Thanks for ev­
erything and I love you.
L.R-the ride back from senior pictures. Will work for food. That night with Liz, Chris, and you, "Umm Liz my fingers are caught in the window", "A lemon what?". Mad love. Madonna, "Oh my god I'm falling", Coffee at Holly Park, After shore at the Surfside hotel, "Does anyone have a cork screw?". That cof­ fee incident at the diner. Freshman year slumber party we had!, "No Tengo Dinero!!" S.R-Dancing cigs., the split­ ting of my pants, long talks about our love lives at Lucas, "You can't sit here the 5.0 might roll by", "No more for me", "In that position? can you do that?. After prom at the shore, the cheek photo. That contest we never did have!. Your my everything. I'll miss ya next year!! D.D-lower school health
homework. Parsonage, that special drink I made for ya! Arte Fino and its employees during lunch C.K-Body piercing-enough said!!. Only female in my crew! That night at the pep rally dance. I'll miss ya too next year sweetie! R.D- I'm so glad we became friends!! L.P-Ani Difranco ... need 1say more? D.J-"Mmmmm it tastes like choco ... my mouth is numb!", Peter butter, "Excuse me does this taste good?" L.H- our unforgettable lunch outs, the mall runs during school. Ms. Hampton- hey how could I forget you??, thanx for covering for me when I was occupied with C.K. in the wrestling
room! You are the only teacher who ap­ preciates the fine art of piercing. What am I gonna do next year with out ya? Mom and Dad thanx for everything 1 love you guys, but I'm sure you both
1 sleep in a drawer ... I'll start off with
my MC4M buddies: RA-curry is good, lieinifailing astronomy, sprinting from the nkst "security guard" 40 mph; MB-you are
remember them all, 12/31- the beginning the phone bills, Cranford and Westfield, com­ ments, the group. Rusty, Ruby Tues­ day, anniversaries, hershey kisses and Swedish fish, swimming. Coco Beach, painting the rams ... close call, I trust you, how about a sleepover?- little rabbits don't get nervous, island of ev­
many memories and

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