Page 81 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 81
'nist gether w/endless memories-I want my djo_yellow dress, the bangs, study hall init, chats, clubbing, why come ..., math-
huh? thanks 4 being such a great
friend for all these years ... Stef-finally ■h. it's time to move on to bigger and bet ter things so FTA! chocolate pb shakes, PCU/Ace Ventura, sugar highs. Wood- bridge delinquent. I'll save ya a sip, ea«c lunch alone, the accident on D.A.'s icripr rug-you're too funny-thanks for being ij); such an awesome friend ... Whit-Menlo grind, I.B.T.C., clubbing, the lunch ta ble, Chip, our talks/secret info. I'm so glad we became friend-you're awe- some-don't ever change! Pita-blubber lover, our lengthy romance. Patriot Qames/truth or dare, S.R.'s party ... thanks for being there 4 me ...Rahul- ffoth? chem stairs, doink, locker wars, caboose. Cm. Salamander, big blue, Gerald, PL, biscotti ... Steve and Eric- "yer so meeeean!" ... Steve I'll always remember those three little words ... fienry-l'm glad we've become friends- thanks for all your advice, remember our LENGTHY conversation, PL, sweet dreams. I'll be looking 4 u on the bill
board in Times Square! ... fry frenches, dippy dice, paper bag dramatics, tulips, you're the boss! Bry-p>enny loafers, LBl, phone studying, you're so sweet-I'll miss you ... Jason-when are we taking that ride?! massages, elvis, thanks for
SK listening to me ... Arielle-you're so funny. I'm glad we've become friends . . tell my sister to lay off! ... Matt-
you've been such a huge part of my last four years, where do 1 even start? was inevitable ... Stairway to Heaven, the egg/gatorade, THE p>ants, lyric games, "my hair is black and red ...
and my name is you", bitz, study hall chats, chills, moo-it's good, the retreat, plentiful slugs. Starship Troopers/the belt, where's the blanket?, the sign- Ior2, 1=Becky, You've taught me well! I'll always be your stupid u know what!
YOU are the best... 1love us so much-1 wish I could take you with me ... Mom and Dad - thanks for everything you've
done and for everything that you've sacrificed for me-1 love you both SO much ... Christina-you're my favorite sister! Have fun during your next EIGHT years cuz they go really fast-1 love you ... To all those 1forget ... I'm sorry
... good luck next year! See ya Ward- law! Goodbye everyone. I'll miss you all
It's been mad fun. DAPS: Whafs up,? Chillin at the park. Do it for the black magic. NBA Jams at my house all night long. You got to keep that fro. Lets go #@$*. Oh my god; BLACK OUT. That was funny. Keep it real and have fun in college. You've been a good friend. PEKS: Chillin in the caddie. You are one of the funniest people that 1know. Lets head out to the park. 1 can't leave without you, what? Lets do it up. The black magic awaits. Keep chillin with those hats and take care of yourself in college. SOBS: Always up for anything. The tempo. I'm not a terrist. 1don't care; typical sobe. Chillin at the park. The Yankees are the best. The gravity. I'm
just chillin. Have fun next year and keep chillin. LAUREN R: Well we have been with each other in the same school since 1st grade. That's a lean. Chicken wing. UH OH Qoosebumps. I can still beat you in basketball M your bachelors. Why Mrs. Qouse. Look at those guns. Poland Spring
water. Talk to me goose, talk to me. You are never going to marry Ed Har ris so shut up. Elbow, Elbow. You've been there for me ever since we were six years old and I will never forget you. Have fun in college. I know you will. PHELAN: Hey am I getting big ger. The double date after the Nut cracker. It was fun. Stop flirting Phelan; All right Mozo, whatever. The scene on the video at Matt's house. That was awesome. Have fun in col lege. You've been a good friend. DANA: You know you want me. You
got multiple, multiple personalities. Hey Dana, Leave me alone Jason. All our fights have been the funniest and the best. 1 will never forget them nor your personality. Have fun in college and take care of yourself. VINCE and ANDY: Whos you? It's been fun chillin with you late nights at my house. Lets get our Jam on. Wait a minute. ADAM: a.k.a. Wady. It has been fun chillin with you all these years. Lets get our 311 on. REBECCA: What an er. You've been a great sister to me. Its been fun. TIFF: 1love you. MOM and DAD: Thanks for everything. CLASS OF 98' Good luck in college and life.
Thank you Wardlaw for everything, my time with you was well worth it. As a distressed writer I can honestly say you don't need a class to be a journalist (and you all thought it was someone smart ...) Mens Club For Men ... Elway back to pass ... My name Donnie McMil- lian! Mrs. Cook's class, chess in the back, hiding under the desk, playing cards ...MB: we ll get to a show some time, I like yo' hair!, ML: I'm never wrong! (and no eggs!) RA: partner in
crime pts!), TDS, BBQ rats etc ... PS und GK: no retirement,!!!, lounge act SK: "stop or, "sir, please, we're just kids", nervous driving, what do you think you are German? JP: nice pic tures, Royal Rumble, don't get drafted ML: could you catch me a black squir rel? ... AH: "on a scale of 1 to 10, you're an 8 !" BB: NJ shore rox Knights a loser Chadwyyyck!!: c'mon Chad! EL: keep track of your car keys, see you in Poughkeepsie? JZ: General Tsou's Children EB: the "game" JM: stay chill bro Aqua-Rams: you're animals! Book of Classics should handle all the real