Page 81 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 81

 'nist gether w/endless memories-I want my djo_yellow dress, the bangs, study hall init, chats, clubbing, why come ..., math-
huh? thanks 4 being such a great
friend for all these years ... Stef-finally ■h. it's time to move on to bigger and bet­ ter things so FTA! chocolate pb shakes, PCU/Ace Ventura, sugar highs. Wood- bridge delinquent. I'll save ya a sip, ea«c lunch alone, the accident on D.A.'s icripr rug-you're too funny-thanks for being ij); such an awesome friend ... Whit-Menlo grind, I.B.T.C., clubbing, the lunch ta­ ble, Chip, our talks/secret info. I'm so glad we became friend-you're awe- some-don't ever change! Pita-blubber lover, our lengthy romance. Patriot Qames/truth or dare, S.R.'s party ... thanks for being there 4 me ...Rahul- ffoth? chem stairs, doink, locker wars, caboose. Cm. Salamander, big blue, Gerald, PL, biscotti ... Steve and Eric- "yer so meeeean!" ... Steve I'll always remember those three little words ... fienry-l'm glad we've become friends- thanks for all your advice, remember our LENGTHY conversation, PL, sweet dreams. I'll be looking 4 u on the bill­
board in Times Square! ... fry frenches, dippy dice, paper bag dramatics, tulips, you're the boss! Bry-p>enny loafers, LBl, phone studying, you're so sweet-I'll miss you ... Jason-when are we taking that ride?! massages, elvis, thanks for
SK listening to me ... Arielle-you're so funny. I'm glad we've become friends . . tell my sister to lay off! ... Matt-
you've been such a huge part of my last four years, where do 1 even start? was inevitable ... Stairway to Heaven, the egg/gatorade, THE p>ants, lyric games, "my hair is black and red ...
and my name is you", bitz, study hall chats, chills, moo-it's good, the retreat, plentiful slugs. Starship Troopers/the belt, where's the blanket?, the sign- Ior2, 1=Becky, You've taught me well! I'll always be your stupid u know what!
YOU are the best... 1love us so much-1 wish I could take you with me ... Mom and Dad - thanks for everything you've
done and for everything that you've sacrificed for me-1 love you both SO much ... Christina-you're my favorite sister! Have fun during your next EIGHT years cuz they go really fast-1 love you ... To all those 1forget ... I'm sorry
... good luck next year! See ya Ward- law! Goodbye everyone. I'll miss you all
It's been mad fun. DAPS: Whafs up,? Chillin at the park. Do it for the black magic. NBA Jams at my house all night long. You got to keep that fro. Lets go #@$*. Oh my god; BLACK OUT. That was funny. Keep it real and have fun in college. You've been a good friend. PEKS: Chillin in the caddie. You are one of the funniest people that 1know. Lets head out to the park. 1 can't leave without you, what? Lets do it up. The black magic awaits. Keep chillin with those hats and take care of yourself in college. SOBS: Always up for anything. The tempo. I'm not a terrist. 1don't care; typical sobe. Chillin at the park. The Yankees are the best. The gravity. I'm
just chillin. Have fun next year and keep chillin. LAUREN R: Well we have been with each other in the same school since 1st grade. That's a lean. Chicken wing. UH OH Qoosebumps. I can still beat you in basketball M your bachelors. Why Mrs. Qouse. Look at those guns. Poland Spring
water. Talk to me goose, talk to me. You are never going to marry Ed Har­ ris so shut up. Elbow, Elbow. You've been there for me ever since we were six years old and I will never forget you. Have fun in college. I know you will. PHELAN: Hey am I getting big­ ger. The double date after the Nut­ cracker. It was fun. Stop flirting Phelan; All right Mozo, whatever. The scene on the video at Matt's house. That was awesome. Have fun in col­ lege. You've been a good friend. DANA: You know you want me. You
got multiple, multiple personalities. Hey Dana, Leave me alone Jason. All our fights have been the funniest and the best. 1 will never forget them nor your personality. Have fun in college and take care of yourself. VINCE and ANDY: Whos you? It's been fun chillin with you late nights at my house. Lets get our Jam on. Wait a minute. ADAM: a.k.a. Wady. It has been fun chillin with you all these years. Lets get our 311 on. REBECCA: What an er. You've been a great sister to me. Its been fun. TIFF: 1love you. MOM and DAD: Thanks for everything. CLASS OF 98' Good luck in college and life.
Thank you Wardlaw for everything, my time with you was well worth it. As a distressed writer I can honestly say you don't need a class to be a journalist (and you all thought it was someone smart ...) Mens Club For Men ... Elway back to pass ... My name Donnie McMil- lian! Mrs. Cook's class, chess in the back, hiding under the desk, playing cards ...MB: we ll get to a show some­ time, I like yo' hair!, ML: I'm never wrong! (and no eggs!) RA: partner in
crime pts!), TDS, BBQ rats etc ... PS und GK: no retirement,!!!, lounge act SK: "stop or, "sir, please, we're just kids", nervous driving, what do you think you are German? JP: nice pic­ tures, Royal Rumble, don't get drafted ML: could you catch me a black squir­ rel? ... AH: "on a scale of 1 to 10, you're an 8 !" BB: NJ shore rox Knights a loser Chadwyyyck!!: c'mon Chad! EL: keep track of your car keys, see you in Poughkeepsie? JZ: General Tsou's Children EB: the "game" JM: stay chill bro Aqua-Rams: you're animals! Book of Classics should handle all the real

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