Page 100 - 1948 Wardlaw
P. 100

 Eighth Grade Leads
Trimester Honor Roll Announced,
Sixty-One Students Make List
Almost a third of the Inman Avenuers, 61 of the 193 enrollment, made the first trimester honor roll. Eighth graders, with 13 names on the list, took numerical leadership.
First and second honor rolls included the following:
Nine twelfth graders—Bruce A. Blair, Bruce A. Crystal, Thomas L. Hierl, and Frederick L.
Wieners (first) and Bruce R.
Clark, Ernest G. Cole, Richard
G. Condon, Peter H. Sanders, and John B. Schwartz (second). Nine eleventh graders—Jon A. Kaufman, Mark B. Loizeaux, Howard M. Mintz, and Wayne G. Napolitano (first) and Donald S. Brant, Jr., Peter S. Brower, Daniel S. Feldman, Robert G.
Thirteen eighth graders—Jo­ seph Y. Abrams, Kenneth S. Brown, Richard C. Dresdale, I. Glenn Galton, Stephen E. Jones, and John E. Starita (first) and Arthur J. Blake, Eric J. Fidler, Harold C. Green, Scott D. Haas, Mark S. Kaplan, Barry A. Schol- nik, and Gary R. Wentz (sec­ ond).
Ferrigni, and Oren H. Frankel (second).
Eleven tenth graders-—Alan T. Abrams, Jeffrey D. Gould, David C. Liemer, and Warren A. Stringer (first) and John E. Bowley, Jr., Roger J. Breene, Paul K. Johnson, III, Marc B. Kornblatt, Richard A. Loosli, William L. Null, and Gary M. Shrager (second).
Eleven seventh graders—Mi­ chael F. Belliveau, Benjamin A. Liemer, and Kurt R. Uhlman
Eight ninth graders—William C. Hoffman and Paul S. Mintz (first) and Sandro E. Bofill, Stu­ art R. Brower, Mark A. Clark, Michael I. Goldberg, Mark G.
son, Scott W. Hale, David C. Hewit, John D. MacGillivray, Anthony P. Pascale, and Donald
Rubin, and Mark R. Siegel (sec­ ond ).
Sixth Grade (Central Avenue) Honor Roll: Dan M. Pulcrano and Robert H. Taylor, Jr., (first) and Paul E. Breene, Richard P. Busher, Vernon H. Davis, Darrell R. DeNisi, Daniel R. Merians, and Andrew
(first) and William R. Brower, Roy A. Childers, Jeffrey B. Gib­
C. R. Pretty (second).
W. Piness (second).

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