Page 60 - 1989 Wardlaw Hartridge
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Musicale (9,10,11,12); Chorale (9,10,11,12); Concert Choir (10,11,12); Voice (10,11,12); Cabaret (9,11,12); Dramatics (11); Key Club (9,10); Development Club (10); Photography Club (10,11); Yearbook (9,10,11,12); Dance Committee (9,12); Class Vice President (9,10); Activities Review Committee (9,10); Football CheerĀ leader (9,10); Cheerleader Choreographer (9,10,11,12); Green and Gold Club ( 12).
It, yc William Arthur Warcf
What you are in God's gift to you. What you become is your gift to God. Anonymous
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Einstein
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr I don't worry about nothin' cause worrin' is a waste of my time. Guns & Roses Be courageous and be brave and in my heart you will remain forever young. Rod Stewart
Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all. Michael Masser & Linda Creed
Amina Patricia Dunn
National Honor Society (11,12) Peer Leadership (12) College Committee (11) Drama (11,12) Yearbook (9,10) Feature Editor (11,12) Literary Magazine (9,10,11,12) Class Secretary (9) Class President (10) Chorale (11,12) Prom ComĀ mittee (11,12) Beacon (9,10,11,12) New Student Orientation Committee (12) Health Careers Club (9,10,11) Production Staff (9,10) Key Club (9,10) Dramatics (11) Voice (11,12)
"I want to seize Fate by the throat." Beethoven
"Everyone always wants to do everything." Matthew Howard
"To know that do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not is a disease." Lao Tzu
"If I cannot bend heaven, I will move hell." Virgil
"Everything has a reason, even if we don't know what it is." Philip Class "May you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung." Elob Dylan
and climb and dance." Nietzche
"In the breast are the stars of thy fate." William Pitt
Alexandra Nycole Deutsch
"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand i ' "
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I and walk and run