Page 61 - 1989 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 61
Lisa Ann Fetterly
Varsity Lacrosse (9,10,11,12), M.V.P., M.I.P. Stagecrew (9), Library Aide (10), Key Club (12), Fall Drama (11,12), Spring Musical (11,12), Concert Choir (12), Chorale (11,12), Art Careers Club (11), Cheerleader (10), Literary Magazine (9).
This is the time to remember 'cause it will not last forever, these are the days to hold on to, 'cause we won't although we'll want to,- Billy Joel
Imagination is more important than knowledge,- Einstein
We played our different parts to different applause,-Sophocles
My care is like the shadow in the sun, follows me, flees from me when I pursue it- Elizabeth I
The soul takes flight, to a world that is invisible, and upon arriving she is sure of bliss, and forever dwell in paradise -Plato
I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned, and since from myself my other self I turned-Elizabeth I
Someday we will all look back and have to laugh, we lived through a lifetime and the aftermath,-Billy Joel
Steven Seth Edisis
EOOTBALL 9 JV 10,11,12 12 CAPT; BASEBALL 9JV 10,11,12 V; WRESTLING 9 JV 11,12 V; S,A,D,D, 10,11,12; GREEN AND COLD CLUB PRES 12
Watch out here I come- YOUTHQUAKE
This story is over, but my rhyme ain't done - L,L, COOL J
It's the final countdown - EUROPE
Never say goodbye - BON JOVI
hyo set them free - STING
When the children cry - WHITE LION
Her name was Lola, she was a show girl - BARRY MANILOW
I have a dream - M,L, KING
I may not be dumb but I don't understand why she walked like a woman, and talked like a man - KINKS