Page 86 - 1989 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 86

nanu' is Sopliia, 9lli Ktadc with tiu' spikes and unfinisheii an projecls. GIIANDI, Lri( and )a- mison lelt. Loosie lanie in along with lUid Wtid who never tame to school. David Wrong. Hahy |osh. Mr. 'Oward, Donna Raunchy, 2 of the best W-ll dances. Peer Leadership with Darren and Isoh. Caron and Iric the party leaders. 10th grade'. Dating rosa rnis senas and getting action. Kai comes in with Steve and Gerry. Laughing with Caroline and Steve in Robins car. Crab a Graham, Graham-O-Bud. I Iromhed geometry. Still behind in art. lush, Dooshey, Tush The Big Man, Sperry, Sperry Hambone, Bone, Phone. Davie, Doughey, Doughey no home. 'Obbin es- kirno. I.V. soccer-look phone, look phone. Quo- tree ski trip-winter carnival, Dar gets beat up fry two girls. Hot trene hies in the hotel. ITijon. lack- son Hole 3/87, )oey gets the ex-con, I get stuck with the teaser. Lost in the white out, stuck with ( agan. T.K.E. lungle party with Dar + Val. Kirsten and Gorbs leave, Dar's last big bash in January, I get the hottest girl there in Bone's room. It was amazing. 11th grade. Nerw Graham, this year counts. Great year. Dump Gen, Oct 10th at Del- barton Dance with John, I meet my dream. Blonde and beautiful. I love J.M. License day Dec 31. No more soccer, Feb 27, and Mar 1, most special days of my life. Lake Placid at Norman Bates Motel, major collision. B.C. in the spring Steve, they breed 'em big up here. I start to D.J. Jill gets the new prelude-I-crashes it the last day of school. The proms in the M-5. Land speed records set on 3 major roads. Day after the prom with Jill, I'm working on Roxitticus for you Mr Howard, trust me. L.B.I. with Dar + Chris. Froth and Frothie Fromage. The Ketch-F the Beach Chair. Graham we got arrested. Who cares, let me sleep. Sunroof it Froth. The two drill sargenis got dissed. Seniors-I still love J.M. The stogie master + the kegger. N.S.I. still no one knows what it is. Rumkin smashing. Moss, Andys back. We got the lounge. I love you Jill Elizabeth al­ ways, Thanks Mums, Pops, Mom, David, Dad, Jill, and everyone else. Where's my car??? Thanks W-fl. I'm outta here. P.S. IT SURE TUCHAS A
diflerenl fiut we love eat h other, (m.d,, a.d., n.r.) Jatk and Jill Parties , Just forget him, Noni Malibu The events of the sum­ mer of "87" (m.d., a.d., n.r.) fTidn't we almost tiave it all? ,, My ITave and Penny's
tour h INXS con< (>rt. Mart h 88' , the fans- A.D,, S.P., A.D., S.L. Sting toncerl-August 88' ditto plus A.B. The Goth moltile Gothit ( hicks You're so gothic Don t you think Patritk looks like Axl Black cowboy boots, suede skirt, and a little vest Senior lounge 4th pc'riod . , l.inda-n-ltalian Stallions
Because I love ycru . You kneaw Slash is good looking Halloween 88'-Cat Wcaman
Leader Nodoz . . S.M. = Mr. Shotgun Karen's again? , . . Keg . . . Chinese Downhill , Chain gang . Shhhl . , 8/21/88 + 8/30/88 = 6 pts .. Scruffyboy jj 40 daygrudge .., Tobogganing in Placid , Knock, Kneok, .. No! . . . Wyman's wipeout . . Moody's amnesia
A. S. = Sloppy . . L.M.- What's up?
J.B. + J.S. rating girls . . J.B. Where's the rain- gear? . K.S.-WHO is it this weekend? , , . Un­ cle Frank .. The Bottom Line .. Toga Party ,,. Sir Holy Sheet ... I can't be beat . . pong
I.S.'s party . , B.S. driving with no license . . . #11 , . 13 in a row , Slides . , 10 equal men- maybe . . J.A.- yeh you can coach , . Q.A.B.
B. S.=Asia...86it .that'sout...M.C.- IT'S SICK , . , Quarters . CUBES ,, . CO SICK DUDE NO NERDS . Fletch .. J.G. -F 2 friends = bottle of vodka , . J.G. -F M.D. living on cheeseburgers in summer '88 , , Blaze of Glory , . K.S- Giants Rule . . Soccernastics , . Feel the heat . . . Midnight run to the supermar­ ket If she talks to me again, she is dogmeat
get out - pull that music diversity garbage . . Cuns-N-Roses Obsession . . . jack-N-Jill . . Alex, Aimee, Kerry, Amina - it's all the same thing What the purpose? What's your return policy? I'll take it . Drop 4 days rule ... It was confirmed that I am in love with him . , The Greatest Revenge , . , Mommy, Da & Nana - Thanks for Everything , , , Gothic Chicks - S.P., S.L., A.T., L.F, - I love you all and I'll miss you . , Goodbye W-H - for a reallylong time -
Wardlaw women can't drive , . . Kirby . Super lunch , Del Mar , . . gripless Watch out for the tree Laura D.W. + S.S. at M.V.'s
M.G.- the next Magic Johnson , . J.S., B.S., G.P., K.S., FT.W,, R.R.- What great times we had Thanks MOM, DAD, -F BEN for everything
AMINA DUNN Holloween 87' . . N.C. crew today , Oh Sweet Child of Mine dudes . Let's go see the trees ,
.N o
Long hair
Later W-H , .
MICHELLE DENNIS Can I just toll you something?
We are all
What a yum­ my mummy , Sleazy is o.k., but wimpy is never good Sachina-n-7iggy . . step-touch, step-
The Copa
. l ies
I link
Rahway . I'm tonfused ....... Amy, you have won over Lisa
I'll pray lor you , .
He kroks like Sonya-n- Duran Duran
Pookie-Bear Shurger or Aliza? (Gel it Notii) . ,
Stan's Pool , . Whatl You
Tonieh's Party think you're Lisa
We just held hands , ,
toollt lor Warlaw
didn't tell and I didn't tell then I wonder who ditf? . I believe my batty's got a ftlat k dress on and everything I dr) I do wrong Ritans
Bill and Kelly Let's talk, Wen
Sean, Shilid and Santana Visit to Spelman We think we're going to a Hopstown party tonite? S( ott, just just stay cool , ,, The Greatest Love Of All , Josh, sorry about your Poison ivy , , , Diet Pills . Karen, I love you
Daniel, our times together were real . . .
It ain't no big thing Uh-huh
a pirate Oh nca, Al has a zit
Sussex County Diner mania .
87' The Lost Boys Sinead O'Conner , , Troy
, Guns-n-Roses groupie . . The countdown offic iaily begins That fish was driving my car You know the birds and the bees, but in your case bird and bird . Warning, Alex is in love again Every rose has its thorn Did you
heat that thunder, Aimee? . He's a cadaver She doesn't suspect a thing The phone bill African dance with Kare Bear . . , Sweet coo-
1# Hair Raising
I'm Sorry, Bob
, Chady , , . , Is her name Hanging out at Stan's . Songs of the Senior Lounge My Sons are so fly they flew, (a.b., a.c., k.s.) Yes, I am a jigaboo and she is the wantabe
... N.R,&M.D,attheProm.......Mysis-ter, Wen This is my twin sister, Jean, . . . . Our mom is Korean and our dad is black,? Okay, the blood did not mix , . To all my acquaintances atWHIloveyouall.. PEACE.. I'MOUT OF HERE.
N.C. men .. B.C. hangs his head in shame .,. Amina, we don't do that anymore, right , Sid Ric Doug . . There's a punk in a BArracuda, keep your eye on him, he may be dangerous . . . Cardens City Gardens in New Brunswick , . The
perfect blend of hippy and punk I love when the cat scratches
. Extramazes It must be . The Mighty K Being the chowhounds we are . Dinner Mints ... The Monster ,,, You know who I
great to be so cool and hardcore
could really Like? Nickie-No-Noogie . . DDdDD Foxy Lockseys . , 8th Period Snooze . . Take some personal time, Kerry , . . Aimee, you may not borrow my compact . , . Nothing ever sur­ prises me, Amina . . It's over when the seasons change . . . Amy, where are my skis? Tan, blonde and so yummy . . . I never wear control-top - these are my mother's - really , , , I'm so weak The endless beauty regime . . . Gothic Chicks The Gothic Odometer lives on , , . Tales of the Bushmen or Details 99 pages of fall fashions - is that a question? . . Loverly, delicious, sensu­ ous . The ShoeReligion , , Are we going to the trees? ,3. She will never find Vintage Vinyl again . . . Barbra's driveway . . . Your name's Ter­ ry, isn't it? . . Personally I'm on my 15th African dialect . I think the nerve endings in my stom­ ach are dead . . Hey, guy, whajudin? , . I speak four language - French, Korean, a lit'l jive and English — I no use the plural though . Hold your horse guy ... Smokin a Stogue ,.. S.A.M.F.W.D. . . . Sell any shoetrees, Kerry? . , , Sleazy is fine but wimpy is never good . . Who- What-Where can I get it? . . The ... He looks like one of Jerry's kids . . Who does she think she is - Whitney Houston? . The Sacred Hour Coming through - two girls w/charge cards . Minor Threat is accident music , . . It's all on the wall behind my head . PHEW . . . Get out -
You think you have superiority over me? . . . I don't think so , , . Stogies . . , Haircut by Andrew
Giveitarest ,. WOODY ..SajieJ'sRevo's Bindi ... PUMPKINS + MAILBOXES ,
World Wars . . All PCC members in the pool . , . Junior=Peewee=1 game season , . . Daddy Earl . Metro penny incident . . B.S.- You Peer
. , Yah Noni
Bakari, it's only one California If you
ley Jack-n-Jill .
lost puppy dog . Alex, do you think I should?
little black dresses , . . Tina Turner, Jody Wa- lely, or Lisa Bonet? .. She's slap happy three musketeers of 1985 . . . 3 item story . Sometimes 1feel . I'm not labeled Diversi- bk' music taste . The Pepper Tree Stud- Muffin . I've got one chance left in a nine live cat You've got to see Kerry's brother Candice Tap . My beautiful friends. I'll love you (or ever . . CATCH THE SPRIRT AND GOODBYE W-H!!!!!!!!
Kelly + Lisa 2, 4 ever. Senior talks in the morn­ ing, Singing sessions in the lounge. The Kelly Evans Saga, The crack up in Actlll, The Big Ques­ tion, Cast Parties, Mitosis?, Love your tie Kell, Lime Jcll-o Samsonite Luggage, FFershey Kisses, Escargots, Comp, LIT, w/Vivian, Suck it up Wen, Frog into a prince or prince into a frog? Advice from someone who plays w/a yo-yo, Limos, Prom 88', London 86', Swedish Endtables, The Bonfire, Milkshakes at Burger King, Gas Stations, Friends and T.G.I. Friday's, Prom 89', Graduation and The Class of '89, TO Wendy, Liz, Lisa, Kim­ berly, Vivian, Michele, JenB., Danny, Mark, Kev, Amy, and Mau We did it!, we're outta here! Fi­ nally, Love ya guys i'm gonna miss you all!. To jb, jr, jd, rl, VO, sp, kh, mn, cm, km. Good Luck next year, and Best Wishes, TO MOM, DAD, and PEANUT thanks for everything and I love you very much. To Kelly Evans, I thank you, miss you, and I'll love you always. Goodbye W-F1 and
Alexandria- the MONSTER cake! clothes shop­ ping antiques. N.C. -F Amina forever- WHAT did he say he's going to do?! Kerry and Aimee, re­ member gym! Hi P.R., Mai par ee do!- teach me some more espanol! I've mastered the slang! I feel like I live in Foodtown. Been to A&P lately A.B.?! The Deli Man. Alexandria, Watch those parkiest! OH NO!! A.T. - where did you get your liscence? K-Mart?! Kerry, What grade r u in? Put those cookies back!! Rosalyn, you gotta watch THOSE types of guys!! You know!! Marissa, The EMERGENCY funcj- hee hee- Sushi Attack, Koto- buki! Alexandria and Kerry, I don't use the plural. Gerardo Gonnella: Posso parlare con Gerardo perfavore?, Buona Mattina, Buon Pomeriggio mi amore; Moonstruck, the best movie since the Cumbat! Volare, oh, Cantare, oh. Eat some pasta! C'mon, just try some sushi! Italiano e numero uno-Never forget iti! D.B.: It's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean! Can we jam Dave?! A.D.: when depressed, shop, eat at La Cucina, and watch Moonstruck!! When is the drought going to end? UCI 4th period-HELP-!! A.D. & K.S.! Oh No, Not the handcuffs!! Give Me The Key!! Bakari; Who's birthday do you have? Daren, my ribs will never be the same! Let's Dip! Singing lessons in the lounge, I know I can sing! Hee Hee! Amina, if nothing happens there's
Kauai 88' . , Tarzan

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