Page 88 - 1989 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 88
Kin(^ b.ihy." Siuiw l outbjii al Wyman's I’l'ggins ( ais K.S.'s k('l)dll in Mills ., HcU h
IV/('/(/.S</(7i( (■ I(Idicjnd the ( rii'^iors Ou-mistiyl Mis, T ,Si( k Class
I’.il's I’ai ty C'ai ( liaso Swimming al Maiis- sa's lali’i llial nighl The Virgini,m Cali Ral[)li on llic liif; While Telephone C.ill Har ney I al l lii'ei PontJ Ray Cialena ).S, - Wiley Veteran Driviiif' in Reverse
it's about that time sheldon is opening up W.ike up Penny AGII.ITII.S Thanks
Mom .ind Dad I'tn finally outta here! ,, good lui k rams, rwery one Good lu(k Penny, It's your turn next yr'ar ,1 love yoti Penny Well Waidlaw, I guess I'll see you — who knows wlien
IIIAF'S RIGHI I'M A SINIORII! K.A.-C.A. I hanks lor everything!! Yo, Where's the Wardlaw Party? Karr-nSs, Thought so! Mike let's Go fishn'
Wendy that was the funniest seven minutes of my life. A.D.-A.D. WHAT are you going to be? HO'S! (jcrry-Mark you Two RULE! Almost EX- PI I LI D twice in same WIT K Not Cool!!! Pizza, 12:.i(), Blt'dthers! D.B. how was the weekend? 7th Yeah! Bonfire? Could he Cool. J.B. you're not that short. J.K. Thanks, I love you. Merrisa I love those eyes. Stew, What are you gonna do? Go to Rehab. "Boy's come w/me" (Muoio) C.M. TAKE CARl! C.M.-C.M. MURPHY'S I AW! Westfield Crew-1 ater-C.M, I.L., J.G., J.M., J.D., M.E., R.E. ( HRIS where's my lar-where's my money! Ka- ren-Donna Your to good to be true! Owen, What UP! "B" take caie! Linda love ya! Barb you'll figure it out! S.M., J.S., D.S., Begood!! the Ulti mate tanning machine , Last night I felt EM- Ml NCI today I feel like two inches . , OLDTIM- IRS C.M., J.B., P.N., L.M., A.M., N.W., and J.K., D.D., L , l ., K.S., S.C., luv ya! Mrs.-P-Mrs. W, Tl lANKS . , , OREGON OR BUST!! KEVIN-EKEL- LY Good Luck MOM miss you DAD-E Lynn
D'Riveia and Steve Gadd lor helping
giess as a musi< ian and to Dean Sande' who
|.S. + S.M, TM.Ci. - Soc cer with Bertha
The lahulous #4's Varsity Soccer
2,8,19 ShovelinK Dirt , MKA Play
a Loset Niitmegt'ccl One Tree Hill Douhles with Cap Sick Match vs Newark in States The lisherman .. Tocicl ")cist Fat It"
CTP, + ).S. - Man the Harpoons B.S. + Spike B.C. + M.Ci. - Master Tape #1 8/2.S- 2f)/(i0 I loop's at Riz/o's Rob's Basement
Rob's Cookies "Bring It!" Mein Kam()l Any News Doe? Gould's Bloody Nose I loop's in C-3, alsca PC's . , K.S.'s Hand Through Window teonomirs Trivia Kelly K. - Ranger's Also, There's More to Girls than Brains! Wardlaw women can't Drive , . , Jerry - ( heer Up! Rob - Where are the Canoe's?
Flic Ried , Antione " and no gas J.S. - "Welcome to the jungle" also Westheid Rules A Final Dit-FTit for all those remaining at W-H " You've got to go through Hell before you get to Heaven " - That's the Bottom Fine . Mom + Dad + Mike + Jane— John - I love You, also Thanks for Everything
Happy Trails to All
. W-H
Dit Dits
Field Hockey bus ride; the banana; 5 point plan; Tower Theory; It's cut and dry; to be fair; bad Doobies; Shoe Town; Bee similie; walfe iron; the lamp shade; Lets Go Mets; Trump the Cards; V.S.; "It gives me drive."; chiasmos; spaghetti at Son ya's house; Graham's video tape; The World Se ries of Football; "You know what they say in Brooklyn?"; D-ork; That’s the scary part; make shift blue balloon; baby oil; Made in Heaven; All Over Him; Cream Puff; Dracula; Pristine Chris tine; L2 -F K2, It's something in the name; "Don't
No problem What's up? 10:00 p.m. ,
Josh: Guido the Killer bluejay . , . Darren: Boner the Barbarian, Hambone, Bigman, Derwood , Graham: Ghandi . Joey: Doey, the nose knows, Doey no home, Jose Cemelez Robbin: Ob- bin, Binrob, Oggie Ben Doggie . , . Steve: Mr. Ed
H now
I'm off to make bagels in the real world Happy tomorrow
B.S, - #'s )oe's
Here’ we go lame xyzpod!
can't go to hand, I have to play golf
fifty? better make it three .
lOth-knee, 11th-shoulder, what next?
the |)ur()ose of my life? to watch sports or make hagels? Mother Goose, yt*a I *&rt%'g:’ her M.G. "Ther's more to girls than brains"-! know
Todd Hlis rules , . Why couldn't N.D. have been #1 in 1987?? B.C, I'm not Frankenstien Montreal Summer '87 sorry Lisa It wasn't that had , Prom '88, 7 in oh, one hour what do you mean we have to pay you TONIGHTII!
I u( ky Pierre #10 Now there's Ulf #9 Gretzky, who's he? Ulf is the best there is in the NHI Leave me alone, i'm watching Vanna.
Lime jello samsonite luggage . V.R., R.R., K.A., K.E., what a trail of broken hearts Dingas means donkey in Celtic . only kidding
Crisco L.R., don't gel near my sand wedge, you might break it . . , too bad you can't putt 64 at Bedens Brook, Tim beat me; . . . 4/ 8/87 a day that will live in infamy. 6/22/87 you're apain nice neck right? just likea bathroom door . . let's go bowling . , March 4 and 5 1988, 1st Annual W-H Bowl-a-rama ,. purly platonic , une grande vache Dan, I think she wants you . did you do your Physics?
A.D. I hope you find your Renaissance man Oh well, gotta go . Lisa, Je t'aime don't work too hard I hope everyone has fun at college, good clean wholesome fun later W-
Of course! . . London trip '87-'88 . . I hate
history! Billy Miller: Poofi Bear, Otis, Wop-
pin' William, Nanuk the eskimo Dusty "Air
Attack" Wyman . Bob you liar , , Jim "Boc pinch my fat!"; Are you gcjnna teach me to drive
M.D. Want some pirrouettes? . . S.E, Sure you can have a brownie, but ya gotta catch it first . .
L. F. ski buddies Have fun in college, keep in tout h A party in Vermont . . . J.D. Under 1:02, I know you can do it ... C.M. stay gold . Ma la la la . pitch your heart out . , I'll always be there A.T. guess we missed 1st period . Burger King Chi-Chi's and a strawberry dai quiri Adio Senor . . K.S, skiing at Smuggler's
hate those Stuart girls six in a bed Ke. S. on skiis, ha, ha . L.M., Andy C. and Bobby A.T. someday they will grow up, when??? A.D. it's cut and dry . S.S. says "no polyes ter" , . . A.T, you have the cooties . . . always and forever friends . . L.H. stay out of the kitchen , J.D. the human garbage can . . . A.T, ski bud dies Teach me how to ski . . S.P. friends forever . . I just love my lifeguard buddy, don't you, yuck!!! . Just another day with Bernard S.L. You're a good friend . . S.P., A.T., S.L., D.W., Halloween '86 , . D.W. and horror movies S.P., L.H. at 1st base . D.R. and D.W., the great love affair D.W. You're a great QB but had no o. line L.F. PLP's A.T., J.R., J.D., L.F., L.M, and K.S., Santa Claus comes more than once
a year Christine and her sweet sixteen
L.F. problems with pickles , . . mitosis . , . fun in G.C.. R.L.nicearm.. 100fly,..J.D.pretzel man . L.F. prom '88 ... PL, buddies . . C.G. nada mas espano . J.D. Mr. MaGoo . . . E.R. fun inEnglish ,, J.D.andJ.R.getaroom ,,S.P.go for MVP 500 Free , L.F, me and you and
#44" Boccher . . Gary "Head" Pate , Laura "Ralfitano" Malfitano , , Scott Goodsite: Alfred F. Newman . . . Jessica "Hess" Ramos , , Bakari "Leeroy" Lee-and if you don't like it Da- ve(mc): FTavey Don't Dance, Cookie Puss, Davey
Cookie Gerry, how's the quality time? Class of 1989 Football camp '88 . . .1! 1988!! January 29, 1988 . . Prom '88 . . . W-H foot ball'87,(0-8) ..,CanIgetaride? ., 8thgraeJe
bathroom brawls pumpkin smashing Double numbers . goin' to Great Adventure after SAT's , , 8th grade crue ... Mr. B.J. . goin'to Photon every week changing clothes in parking lot at McD's . Shut the hell up!
not another history quiz?! . . . D-DAY , , . Doc Rud's 7th period U.S. II class ,, Ms. Spinner, can we goto lunch now? . Oh no, not Spanish orals! I need a jumpstart-my car died-again
survey says-eh! . . . What's the "M" words?
Not I saief the rabbit , , That's false . . . It's just one of those days . . Alright, alright man, alright now . DAH! Rob, put on Guns 'N Roses or Cinderella . , . scavenger hunts . , "Big Ben" Ya-hool! Where's my snickers bar Gerry? . . Billy you cripple , . . gotta love it! , * Weirdest Physical Specimen Award* winner
rebel from the 60's , on the hop! . , the Mohican Brothers . Awe that's so cute Wendy is sick again? Penny passed out!?! . . . Robbin, did you get your permit yet? .. Hey Sheldon, I stole your Metallica tape . Hello Wendy To be or not to be that is the ques
a stick?; "Roger and I are just friends!"; purely platonic; Bowling; You danced at the prom; Ani mal; Sony T.V.; Sussex Birthday Party; Gone With the Wind; Giant; "Blue or yellow?"; "And that was left-handed too"; It's little RABBIT Foo Foo; The woman on the plane home from Hungary; Vray a Vermont; My Dog, Muffin; The Days of 7W; "Where did you buy them?"; You know you go to Wardlaw when , , ,; Capture the Flag; "Yea, Dodgeball"; Delaware Water Gap; The Princess Bride; Thank You for calling Camcon, May I help you?; Boris Becker drinks Diet Coke; Go Andre; The Virginian; errrrrre; U.S.'s Sweet Sicteen; Sig nificant Digits; Mocktail Menu; Chee Chee's; re visited; Donna's Plate; Chicken Francese; Sea Shells; Flave a nice day; Don't work too hard; Happy today; obfuscation; "I like boys, but I like ice cream better; oggie boggie boo.
Cough drops from hell . . C.T., J.R., T.K.-The wrecking crew Brain damage of 1986 . .
playing pool at Joey's . , , Whoopsie!!! back cracking How many pumpkins did we smash? about 150? , , Wendy, if you and David Irother me and Penny again — . , , Doey muzzle .,twireaweek ..youmoron ,.the Empire Disco in London . 1 don't know, I don't rare-wliat drj you want to do? QUALITY TIME bumrush . . paddy wagon you learn something new every day , . . just a little bit What (fid I get on my SAT's?-Oh never mind
Joe's a blob
That (rlace was a hell hole Red Barchetta (deeper) Dean WeekI (yeah, O.K.) Pt. Pleasant nutcases (Jean, M B., Sarby, Jamie and assorted other wierdos) . . Ramones at the Ritz (who needs I.D.) , . , The colonel , huge fires nonstop . . Is she smashed? Gotad! Thanks to Dave Weckl, Chick Corea, John Patitucci, Pe ter Trskine, Tom Scott, Stanley Clarke, Paquito
thanks, Grandfra you tocr , . GARRY hey! K's I love you all!!
Vin&Vic, a pile of ashes . . Mentors . wee- hawkers too Mrs. S and Mrs. W lhanx for
wee Bill McRea (burnt since 1901) Toxic Guerrilla Randy-mega skinhead Rich is
everything Mary thanx for the chats . , S.P., S.L., A.T., L.F. love ya always . . "never say good
just a bum
kout-a hallway with a stage . . Black Car
Dirt Club $100 Studio 1-hairs- Connections-Bikerville Stea-
Scott-a hairsprayed POSER
84 i
(minted me in the right diret tion
Maybe .
Baric is and Philemon Ziggy Marley . , Rose-
land '88 it's a reggae revival . Jimboh
K.S. it's the Blaze Mr, Johnson DO YOU LJNDLRSTAND?? , Amy don't spit u() |
Mr.Sutor,! live of 9th-hand, what's