Page 90 - 1989 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 90

K<'gm,isl(T Mr. I c) Loves graduation parly . . prom '88 FBI Steve,
DadeJy F. on the Iraseball field , Andy Lip()iH Mall D. = Worst Haircut ever! . "Kevin, can I Itave your phone number," — "NO!" Kev, what was that girl's name? , Junior Highlights
Smoocher and Smoochette your shirt's on backwards . Matt we'll party with your friencis any lime "I'm going to make you crash, Blake." . , , (Tarry you shouldn't be sleep­ ing while Doc is giving a lecture Swimming with M.V. Plainfield car chase Mr. K, where's your PeeWee shirt? Steve 4 whee- lign in the middle' of the night . . Tail gate party at Squeeze / Smithereens with J.S., J.G., M L,, D.W., G.P., B.C., K.K., S.S., M.K., M.M. . . don't worry (Tarry you will get a prom date . Instead of giving her a corsage you should have given her an apron . Jim, should I stay or should 1go! smashin'P's and M's . World Wars , Knock, knoc k, — No! . . All P.C.C. members are going in the pool! . , Junior = Peewec = one soccerga- me = soccer season . Doc, I'm wrestling in col­
Stew, Why don't you wear some of your own clolhes , , Moody is Mr. Shotgun . , , Todd you are the man . . jerry. Matt, Blake, and Kevin, Stogie's are for NERDS , Andy is Mr. Nipp Blake is Daddy Earl , , . Thanks Mom, Dad, and Jen Mr. Bittel and Mark I'm giving you two the BOTTOM LINE
P.N. = best friend = Oscar ,,, Florida 85 ... Dana B i love you P.N. = STUD!!! , , Mission at Mals pool party . , P.N. N.W. time to pick up C.C. at NEWARK AirPORT .. K.S., B.S.' M.D.V. friends 4-ever . Mr. V. 's english S.F. G.P. J.S. who brought the food today guys? . . , Jerry will the date ever be on? . . . H.H. remem­ ber FJ.W.? . . . Sarah don't 4-get mell Jimmy take care of her , OPEN HOUSE oct. you guys i
don't know anyone in my house
?+ W,H.R.H.S. = L.P„ D.C.,M M.D., M.S.C.M. C.C., H.M., C.G.,M J.S., M.N.,M H.R., J.S., !!!!! love u all ... j.r. $20 . . , CORONA right JON?
Party' at C'S ... TO the "KID" 'I never thought it would happen!!' . . . RED M3 = 1 bad M3! EAST WINDS , . EDesanya es edesapa coosunum mindent amitc chinaltatok nekem ' shenke nem todott volan ei nekem adne egy iyen szep eletet Emadlak, Barbikatok . , Judy, sheila. Berry, Cigy Hang in there it's not that
IJ.iwn ol I he Deiid! Sle.isiiJe D.ii's u'j/y lu'.ul movements out ol the sunroof Sloppy Doofum’! She is So Motl Darren is obsessed
No Intrr' Denial The bird . The Hird I (Hind its Nest, All Right Mr, Ld The GTU
IT Y IT Sid Geekster I look Us Up!! Dude!
Doey Goldcard )oey "Sc oop" Hanker . .
Lauia State Champ!, Yeah Ralf!! . Ski Stowe &
Sugarbush in 89' . , We'll be back this Summer,
ST , 15.B. G.C., ).B„ R.R., L.M., I'LL MISS YCTU the paper cup award . thanx Mom and Dad GUYS A LOT, Wt HAD A LOT OL GRLAT
Party where? Rutgersll Kappa's fly as . , Sc hool Da/e! Good Cod he looked good. MFT I can drive! Torrey Torrey Torrey Rahway crew: C?M, BC, )W YEAH RIGHT! NR did he kiss ycau yet? Malibu, Birchill, etc. MET no more lies. NR (dark skinned guys? ) Flail??? RR temptation killslll )M stay you. ) Hall's house it was real! Firecrackers! Savage!!! Jack & Jill body. SB smile a little? What is a EJopstown party? MD, NR, TB all night drive to
Falking Sue into meeting Alec John Such at the mall Bon jovi 8/3/87 John & Del Leppard
Miss Choe, don't even think about asking me how Juan is doing ... JSA — Rita, stop LOOK­ ING at me like lhatl , , D.C. weekend, dinner out with the gang, limo ride back to the hotel room 1084 — Luv ya, Adrian! . . Summers in Westfield with whals-his-name. Tiffany, Robyn,
, Woody . . . Vuarent , no nerds . . . Sea- Ken . . , Stew, all of
nowhere. NR do you know where you are go­ and other assorted characters . Summers at
ing? Are we in Staten Island?? Rab, you know you care. Rodrick Rodrick Rodrick Yes Yes Yes Somerville- where is everybody MD?? AT, the ropes, please don't drive! Sunday at the park, HIS CHEST!! A) leave the thing alone. AK who is it now? Tell him, Tell him. Your Kidding? I have to have him! Baby, I want you! Mark ThanksI The wop? A dance? Sorry Noni?! Landmark Inn Rm 348 AK Six Flags, the ride wtih the guys, you know what happened!! Suzuki 4x4 Man No phone? OH NOI RE I love you! TC I love you morel! Lubbock don't sweat me! TC excellent massages, I love you again. CB we can't try again. TC & SN can't come over at the same time AKI! Darnell I love you like a brother. TC no more (luestions! Kiss me. OFF BROADWAY, Apart­ ment complex. Play checkers, your move. FTOW- ,ARD U- OH LORD!! RJ don't be shy. Do if! I love you MD, NR, SB, MW, BM, RN, LW, AKA party!! Curfew? Who me?! Do you??? Wayne, boy you grew up! Remember old times? We did it all! jenni 8-Sears! Carla, sleep overs! Diane, you call me crazy?! Mommy get the story straight!!! WG if you cry over that fool .. MD you know you love him!! You'll are gonna miss me! Bakari-the REBEL without a cause?! The Black Family, stay light Gotta Go! Bye-Bye!
Hellooooo! , Laura, we've been here for thir­ teen years? . . Scooby, Scrappi, Fozzai, Woodi, Animal . , , Riss, it's all your fault . . 8th grade lunches , , Noir , . , Piggy, Etan, Tray 1, Tray 2, 4i's, Gegs . . . Breaktime . , meow meow meow meow . . day of theword?! .. B.S. and M.D.V. under the table at Grahams . . , Riss, whatever happened to those twelve lbs? . . 8th grade humor . , . Dusty's surprise parly . . . Smoocher and Smoochette ., take three- three tablets- no three bottles! , , . patapouf . . . ffej . , miss­ ing the bus in Quebec , . dirty dozen , . "Girls, it’s lime to go to bed!" noitnevnoc . . . ou est la boeuf? , . . HEFTY, HEFTY, HEFTY, wimpy, wimpy, wimpy . . . Sarah and Heidi's latin dance up and down the stairs . . Pebbles and Bubbles
sun-country-wine-cooler . , . Le Rock Palace
Po-lash , . . mellonheacf KSP KSA . the tennis captain who never played . , Oh, nice! Craig, Tm not an FT.B, . , Sarah, don't slouch!
Wcnc hy , . Riss, we made it! ... CGL softball practice w/ Laura's amazing plays-even while she's talking . , , Hey, Chica! . . , "Morn"
UGH! . . . Craig's lake house . .. THE TANK K.S.- my tank buddy ., Sarah's party
Mom, I'm sleeping at Marissa's . . pictionary at
THE MALL with Tiffany, Jonathan, and other as­ sorted characters . . , ok, little brother, now you're on your own at Wardlaw! . . Rita and Jonathan, if you two would get at opposite cor­ ners of the school building and STAY there computer illiteracy with Bill . the Bliz! Cool deal! the Nissan twins, Taime Downe, and basement buddies in Sandestin . . Rehopeless Beach Guess what! An Irishman survived the Scalera Family Reunion! Great going, John! They Jove you almost as much as I do . . Wendy, stop squeaking and blaming your burps on other peo­ ple! Luv ya! . , No solos, Lisal . . , Ritu the vixen
, SUMMER SCHOOL! Me? In summer school? With ian Sebastian Westlake and Mr, Robert Pao- li? ?? What a summer, that and Gund, Incorporat­ ed (no more Bob Marley!!!) . . . Love you, mom & dad ... see ya, W-H!
Hablaba!!! . . the Bio-nightmare .... Blah! Blah! Blahl, Mr. Fischer!! State Finals 88' —
Craig's house . , carry random? Craig's laugh Holy Gamole! . sila chorus? I'm not going today
Doodles momma Ann's
Did you do your physics, Kelly? . She can't
you can come skiing w/ us- just don't puke
the only two people in WH not at FTan's fiesla- I .R and H.R. we'll do lum hi . . Bagel Chateau
sushi . Gar, what a group! I loly sleeping w/ your co-leader . Gar-nice prom dale! , (.jerry, how's cmon? . la, la, la, hmm . zing!
Kerrnil ,3. G.G.-the P R. grad xio . Riss, I'll always love him., hmrnmm! ,, S.F., M.V., I .M.-I'll miss you guysl Gar, my co-leader and Irest friend-l'll miss you Heid-now you gel
Heidi, I'm gonna miss you ,. ByeWH-13yrs, is enough . . ,
M.V&S.S-we put Newark in their place .......
Marissa, I'm switching ....... Guido Alert .......
Gayness on the tennis court . . . they're so
damn cocky ....... Spanish orals ........... bad!!! THANK'S WARDLAW!!! LATER "C’mon ease on down the road!".........Father
JO and Father TO ... Laudamus T e !.......The BusRideandtheMask ... "Ithinkshehasa problem with volume control" .. . No es mi problema , . O dat is too bahhhd Marreesa
divided THEY FALL , , rumor has it that she is a cross between a cow and a nympho ... why?-because she was born that way! . . Pastilla Potenie , . . , the girl with the big legs . . Randa, there are limits! . . Do you think her voice will ever return to normal or will euphoria prevail?
High School Yuppie . . . Hey Son . Rumor has itshe'sacrossbetweenacowandanympho. . Sonia guess who called? Prontis friday nights
Boys will be boys .. Love is the drug .., Nell's, Milkbar, M.K.'s . . . I bet she's a blond, personified . . . KK what's the purpose of your life? ...TrattoriaalaKidder .,.Taitimeinthe village , . they ARE utterly bohemian, we must fall to our feet . . dinner in D.C. . Gerard, CBS is at what? . . KKR-capitalism at its best! . . Short skirts and fat legs — beautiful combination
..divided T/teyfall ...Yes,heisaBiff ,, short hills adventure in the rain . HOBY reincacted
the black BMW and plastic obsession More than this , , , Gianni on the futon the wheel of FOREX .. let's DO lunch . , they will get it eventually , . . "Peace on Earth" in Septem­ ber .,, Bayamo . . DD was so hot .,, he's al­ ways 30 minutes late . . the market before 10/ 87 Botecelli . . , BKT & MFT — thanks for the warning X! Adam, you are romantic, not do­ mesticated , speaking Yiddish at DW , , Len,
M.V.N.P — We were the chorus.......TZA-
. lovely dinners at _________ 's house . our American Auntie ....... las noticias "speluncam Dido dux et Trojanus eandem
deveniunt” . . . Ethel, what the HELL are you doing here?!! . . . KUSH? ................ Hey son . the blondes , , Grace, guess who called?!
, love is the drug .. Prince.......boys will be boys ..,. s.b. wanna-be .... B.C. — "you deserve better" ... my typewriter and me . . . SAT's-too much fun . . Italy 88'-fabo euro trip
the Princeton God at the San Juan airport , ST. Maarten-aaaahhhhh! ....... Byzantium Friday night aJI-nighters . , , . LAXI — finally!
Ninee! Ninee!, did you gel a perm? . . Sillyhead Fuzzbrain Noodlepuss , , . . Mr. Beebe Sleeeep . . Neeta, "what!", Neeta, "what!" — Matola called, he's on the phone . , water fights in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the yard . NEETA-ANIMAE DIMIDIUM MEAF. Mom, Dad, Neeta, Nina-you have been my
greatc'sl strength and love, thanks
What's the name of the game? THUMPER!
wake up to reality . , . Wall Street the Universe.
Master of
Watc hung wants to kill us but we got the back
, pool at Cathy's sit down Peewee
rule* - G.P.-M.G.-
"We arc Wardlaw. We are state champs" track '86, '87 . . . Sportgoggles by Liberty . Bring it
Rud . . . Wardlaw!!!
Nice hair Ague.,
goon with Pcdalino?
ence is my life Bup, Bup, Bup Liz, if you still want white hair , Senor How about those Mots I rule A.P. Bio Cate h the spirit
, All I want to do is play Hey Blake. Who was that Wuest grammar Sci­

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