Page 60 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 60

The Kent Place and Beard School
Hockey Games
The day of the Kent Place-Hartridge game arrived, fine and crisp, precisely the day for a thrilling encounter.
The visitors arrived, the game started, and with the aid of their enthusiastic supporters the players were urged on to display much speed and skill. Kent Place with great determination took the ball down the field, making a goal. Several minutes later, Hartridge, not to be outdone, also scored a point, thus tying the score. In the last quarter Kent Place again scored a point. It seemed almost unquestionably their victory— but no, in the last two minutes of the game the Hartridge team swept down the field, made a goal, and tied the score just before the final whistle blew.
After the game the teams went to the Main House, where they were served hot chocolate and buns.
The game with the Beard team, played on their field, promised to be a royal battle, as Kent Place, whom they had defeated, we had tied.
From the start the game was wildly exciting as the Hartridge team scored several points in quick succession and Beard retaliated with two goals. The end of the game found us decisive victors with the score 7-2.
j. c.^ 3^•
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