Page 71 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 71
Musicians ~ Mrs. Guy Bender, Mr. Vladimir Resnikoff, Mr. Richard Sears,
Mr. George Bodenhorn.
nurse— Theresa Brakeley. Lord of Misrule— Mary Ci'apo.
Jack the Giant Killer— Marv King.
Gentlemen in the non, Babbie Mclntire.
manor— Helen
Shan Fargo, Bland-
Pages— Uhoda Margaret Wodtke.
An Old English Christmas
1 'he Christmas Play, a representation of an old English Christmas, carried one hack to medieval England, the entire auditorium being the setting with a huge, crackling fire at one end, houghs of holly on all the
walls, minstrel singers in the overhanging balconies, and an old time banquet hall on the stage. The program follows:
VVatchinan—Dorotliy Li ppincott.
I..ord of the manor— Susan ITenrotin. His wife—Vii’S'il Taylor.
His jiiother— Nancy Corbusier.
His cliildren— lietty Brokaw, Molly Cox, Emily Howland, Jean Schoonmaker.'
Ladies in the manor— Mary Dutcher,
Rosemary Evans (who plays the harp), Mme. Haussrnann, Miss Hewes, lk>lly Hug'hos. Lynette Morg’an, Dorothy Si>ald-
ing-. Lucy Van Hoskerck.
A French troubadour visiting the lord — Alice Brough.
The St.
The The
Dragon— Camilla Hayward.
Foresteis— Mary
irig, Altliea Crow, Margaret Lawrence, Aileen Lenk, Kathryn Taylor.
The The The The The The
The 'I'he
The The The Tlie The
first day— Martha Ann Marshall.
second day^—Barbara Sykes. third day- Janet Alison.
fourth day- Mai’y Rowland. fifth day— Althea Dobbins.
sixth day— Elizabeth Miller.
Waits — Mathilda Ahlfeld, Catherine Cauda. Margaret Clawson, ICleanoi' Clark,*y Green, Dorothy Hogan, Marion
(.)'Neil, Marjorie Ruckert, Clarissa AVells.
Gentlemen from a neighl)oring manor— Bet ty Hardenbergh, Winifred Hatzfeld,
Dorothy Madsen, Anita Stone. Fathei’ Christmas--Marcia Conger.
The Christmas Masquers
Roast Beef— Ethel Boissevain.
Goose— Ruth Stillman. PlumT)Udding— Carolyn Armstrong.
Venison— Frances lM*eston. ffijnchbowl— Jean Graham.
Miss Dainty Mince Pie— Betty Russell, (lingerbread Mary Musser.
seventh day— Mary
Sargent. Wainer.
Watson, E''rances Whitwell.
eighth ninth
day— Betty day— .Janet
Virginia Pelton, Priscilla
C^ook—Adele Mackey.
Mustard Bearers—Elsie Fostei*. 1 felen Stevens.
Mummers in the play of St. (leoi-ge and the Diagon—
Morris Men in the Horne
Tiraitmayer, Janet Creighton, Elizabeth Donavin, Margaretta Fisk, Amy Hopkins,
Sarah Lawton, Carolyn Moore, Margaret Morse. Margaret Taylor, Marguerite Tiet- jen.
The Twelve Days of Christmas—
Geoi-ge— Jane
Doctor— Miss
Terrible Tui'k— Anna
Kaltenbach. Murphy.
T^ewis. day— Mary Fedden.
eleventh day—Virginia Pratt.
twelfth day— Jane E'erris.
love— Betty
____ in
dafice— Jane
Page Sixty-sevni