Page 72 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 72
“The Merchant of Venice”
Rehearsals for the spring play have begun, and the cast will, in all probability, he as follows:
S h y l o c k A n t o n i o
S a l a n i o
S a l a i - i n o .................................................................................................................................................................... K a t h r y n T a y l o r
S a l e r i o .................................................................................................................................................................... J a n e K a l t e n b a c h
T h e D u k e B a s s a n i o G r a t i a n o
L o r e n z o
L a u n c e l o t
o f V e n i c e ...................................................................................................................................... M a r c i a C o n g : e r
............................................................................................................................................................................ M a r y C r a p o .....................................................................................................................................................................L u c y M c T n t i r e
............................................................................................................................................................. B e t t y H a r d e n h e r j ^ h
..................................................................................................................................................................S u s a n .................................................................................................................................................................... M a r y
................................................................................................................................................................ N a n c y
G o b b o ........................................................................................................................... C a m i l l a H a y w a r d
O l d G o b b o ..................................................................................................................................................... D o r o t h y L i p p i n c o t t T u b a l ......................................................................................................................................................................T h e r e s a B r a k e l e y
J e s s i c a ........................................................................................................................................................L u c y V a n B o s k e r c k Lords, ladies, dancers in the carnival, etc., to be appointed later.
P o r t i a ................................................................................................................................................................................V i r g i l T a y l o N e r i s s a ...................................................................................................................................................................C o n s t a n c e L e s h e r
Page Sixty-eight
H e n r o t i n D u t c h e r
C o r b u s i e r