Page 92 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 92
Page Eighty-eight
Academic Prize Poem
On the peaks of the eastern moyntain The dark begins to fade;
Aurora, goddess of morning,
Is blowing away the night.
The soft wind lifts her flowing dress.
Crimson and cloudy grey;
Throws strands of her silver-shining hair
Into the lightening sky.
With rosy, delicate fingers
She parts night’s curtain of mist.
Blows a kiss to a vanishing star. Then turns to wake the day.
The horses of the sun
Prance impatiently;
Shake their heads; champ their bits. Eager to be off.
Gleams from their silken, yellow manes
H ave streaked across the clouds When a blaze of red-gold glory
Flames in the dawn-lit east
xA.s over the crest of Parnassus And up the blue curve of heaven
x‘\pollo rides forth on his journey. Dazzling the earth with light.
D. L., 30