Page 94 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 94
Page Ninety
Purple-robed Parnassus,
Do you remember when the gods came to Earth And lived a while upon your sides?
Do you remember when the lordly Zeus
Ruled the world from his hall
Upon your top? His hall
Where Juno, the proud, disdainful Juno, Paraded, her chariot drawn
By a peacock upon whose tail
The hundred eyes of Argus were arrayed.
Do you remember slim Diana As she hunted for your deer?
Or her brother, Apollo of the golden voice. Singing by the torrent stream
Enchanting all who heard?
Surely you recall when Athene
Sprang from the brain of Jupiter Split by the lame Vulcan
Whose forge was ancient ^Etna, Wilcan, who carved fairy things From the bones of the earth;
In whose fingers there was magic. Yet no magic in his face.
O there are many others whom I could call to mind. But you would not answer me.
Alone you stand, distant and aloof. Repelling such as I,
For how can we bring back to you Your lost forgotten royalty?
D- H., ’33